sorry mate ! I have not been able to find an invite for myself yet. So I am not using this app even now. Though I am a bit cross with them for not inviting me .. ha ha. afterall I was one of the first users of gmail when it was invitation only. I successfully tracked down a generous person from a magazine with a gmail email address and requested him to kindly grant my wish. He did and made my day..
From all the information flying around I gather that it is kind of like mechanical turk. you get tasks and you complete them and then get paid for that in india rupees. I also hear that it is only for indians in india till now. I will let you guys know as and when i myself gather more information on this. Thanks
I hope other replies have been able to assuage your fears of it being a fake news. especially the one from our Sayan. It is directly from Google and not yet open for everyone to register. You need an invitation to make an account and log in into the app for work.
Global launch. I do not think that might ever happen. A launch in china or Asia and Africa. yes. more probable. What kind of jobs
from google do you expect to see on such an app in europe . Or may be it will be an open platform for others to posts jobs on too. That is certainly possible. But they will have to face serious competition as that market is already crowded with well established names in other parts of the world.
Same here. I am eagerly searching for someone with an account in this app.
Do you have any new information regarding this app ? Got any invites yet ?
I am also curious about the invite system. For Gmail it was like every new account could invite a certain number of other persons for new accounts in gmail. So I was hoping this system to be like that. May be they will verify your identity using Adhar or something and ensure that you do not have any duplicate accounts already and then let you open a new account and invite some certain number of people to the system for joining.
I am still hoping against hope that with your huge online network, may be you will find an invite sooner than me and share with some lucky peeps here.

fingers crossed.