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Full Version: Known issues with new Post4VPS design
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Please report all issues you can find with the new design in this thread so it is all collected and visible in a single thread instead of being thrown around the forum in the shoutbox, private messages and etc.

- I find the theme unusable on mobile devices because you cannot even see who posted a post and other things are also barely visible. This however seems to only happen when you disable the display of avatars.


Avatar disabled:
[Image: JvbC7LF.png]
(Look at the area in the red frame)

Avatar enabled:
[Image: wdghuS5.png]
The user info visibility for disabled avatars layout has been patched up.
For more user info you can click the 3 dots floating right side of each postbit head.

It will shows the rest of the user info.
Issues mentioned by in the shoutbox about a few things.

[Image: OYJMDKu.png]
(07-16-2021, 10:58 AM)Mashiro Wrote: [ -> ]Issues mentioned by in the shoutbox about a few things.

[Image: OYJMDKu.png]

Ok Thanks.For a text version:
Fields missing in "User Profile Page" in Mobile
- P$
- Monthly post counter
- Quality Credits (added to your P$ and resets everyday)
Another problem or maybe I'm simply blind?

I cannot find settings for the alerts. I had them all disabled because they were annoying me but now they're enabled again. I checked everywhere I could but settings for alerts are simply nowhere to be found. The User CP lacks many options or rather said it lacks the whole menu with the different options. I know some are placed at different positions but alerts settings are gone.
(07-16-2021, 11:26 AM)mzltest Wrote: [ -> ]Fields missing in "User Profile Page" in Mobile
- P$
- Monthly post counter
- Quality Credits (added to your P$ and resets everyday)
All these have been fixed

(07-16-2021, 12:05 PM)Mashiro Wrote: [ -> ]The User CP lacks many options or rather said it lacks the whole menu with the different options. I know some are placed at different positions but alerts settings are gone.
The UserCP options actualy placed in side-Navbar
[Image: 2PMHYaU.png]

you have to click this floating button that appears on the UserCP page to access the options.
Great. Thank you for fixing the issues.

So, I was simply blind. Big Grin

Takes quite some time to get used to this theme and find everything.
Idk if this is a feature or what but somehow Shoutbox folded automatically and I cannot unfold it. Already happened two times on my side though.
(07-16-2021, 12:15 PM)tiwil Wrote: [ -> ]Idk if this is a feature or what but somehow Shoutbox folded automatically and I cannot unfold it. Already happened two times on my side though.
It would be due to cache, since javascript of DVZ ShoutBox is changed but your browser still holds the older version javascript, that's why it's happening.

Please hard refresh and then try or clear your cache.
(07-16-2021, 12:14 PM)Mashiro Wrote: [ -> ]Takes quite some time to get used to this theme and find everything.

Agreed .  I'm lost! But I'm starting to find my way.  Initially I was shell shocked, until I started to work that "Color Scheme" button (that looks more like a settings wheel) and the dark theme is awesome.  So much better than the light theme.

Thank you for all of the hard work and effort.  Maybe it's just the new design but from a function point of view initially I had to search for things.  That "bell" doesn't really look like "alerts".  Is there any possibility that we could change the "bell" to an exclamation mark?  And possibly for the "color scheme" change it to a little round circle with black/white or something more intuitive for a dark vs light color scheme selection?

For the options there are a number of things missing.  First thing I miss is the list of VPS numbers.  Where does one change one's VPS numbers?

Wow! This dark theme really rocks!
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