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Full Version: The language barrier on the games
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I can definitely see how the language barrier would be a problem. It's kind of like Guardian Heroes in that sense, but I  think you could still get by a little easier in that game if you were playing it in a different language.

so, Infact Guardian  Heroes is why I got it, I heard they were somewhat similar at some point far back and I found it for a good price  before it got out of hand. With Guardian Heroes the language barrier mostly prevented you from going a  deliberate route if you didn't understand the text at the junctions. The Capcom D&Ds however also factor in actual equipment along with route selection iirc, it's been a little while since I played it.  I really should jump  back in when I set the Saturn back up.

Somehow it felt like the only beat'em up where the language barrier  bugged me a little. I've been meaning to peek in  on the rerelease in english. Too  bad the PS3 disc didn't include english text like some of Capcom's other  Japanese retail prints.

what do  you think  about the language barrier ?