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Once again, I am not sleeping! - KGIII - 11-28-2018

Once again, I am not sleeping. As such, and having decided to give this site some content above and beyond the minimum required, I'm going to write about music some more.

First, I invite you to open this and listen in a new tab while you read this.

That is a song by a band named Jethro Tull and the name is Aqualung.

What I do with music is I make faithful replications. That is, I try to recreate the music as accurate as possible. What you hear from me should sound nearly identical to what you hear on the radio. That's my job when I perform. I cover music artists. I recreate their music.

Anyhow, the above song is one of my favorites and what you're hearing is not just me. The acoustic guitar is a Martin D-28 being played by a young lady that has been studying for less than a year. She dedicates six hours per day, every day, to studying to master the guitar and she's gotten that good in less than a year. She's just sixteen.

I'm playing the lead. That's an electric guitar, obviously. That's a guitar known as a Les Paul with (for most of it) an effect known as 'distortion.' Technically, that's fuzz - which is a type of distortion. I cheated and that's a Marshall amp but I'm using profiler on top of it to sound like one of the old Fender silverface amps.

If you'd like to hear the original song, here's a YouTube link:

Obviously, there's no drum in there and we were only playing the guitar parts. But, that's the original. I do play other instruments, but I seldom bother to record them unless someone specifically requests something. My first love was percussion but I've been playing the guitar for nearly five decades. (It will be exactly 50 years on 12/25/2018.)

It's a passion. It's a dedication. A rough estimate is that I've probably had a guitar in my hands for about 40,000 hours.

What are your passions? Am I the only musician here? Are there any music-related questions that I can answer for you?

RE: Once again, I am not sleeping! - deanhills - 11-28-2018

Aqualung - Jethro Tull is one of my favourites.  You did it real justice, although I do miss the voice of course.  You've definitely got talent though. I can't play the guitar myself but am a fan of classic rock. 

How about Locomotive Breath?  That was my absolute favourite of that album.

I also like Broadsword and the Beast. Great artist for sure. Cool

RE: Once again, I am not sleeping! - KGIII - 11-28-2018

(11-28-2018, 09:54 AM)deanhills Wrote: Aqualung - Jethro Tull is one of my favourites.  You did it real justice, although I do miss the voice of course.  You've definitely got talent though. I can't play the guitar myself but am a fan of classic rock. 

How about Locomotive Breath?  That was my absolute favourite of that album.

I also like Broadsword and the Beast.  Great artist for sure.   :cool:

We do Locomotive Breath in some of our set lists. I'm currently with a high-end, high-production cover band. We do things like fairs, festivals, and things like that. (I've got it pretty cushy and I was retired until these really excellent 'kids' came along and conned me into showing them how to make a living with their musicianship.)

When I say kids, the eldest is 35 and the youngest is 19. Most have been to music schools as a form of higher education, one is still in college to be a music teacher, etc...

Anyhow, Ian Anderson (he's the guy from Jethro Tull) is a hell of an artist. We have a flute player in the band. She plays a few instruments, but she plays flute. So, this is the first time in my life I've ever been in a band that could properly cover Tull. All my other bands just used a keyboard with the flute settings!

As you can tell, I'm VERY fond of faithful replication.

I have tons of stuff not uploaded and I'm not in my studio right now. I'm in my living room on my laptop. So, I'll let you hear the band (if you want), but it's not going to be Jethro Tull. LOL I don't have any edited out and uploaded.

I suspect you'll enjoy that one. ;-) (Yes, that's me doing the lead vocals. No, I'm not as good as Freddy Mercury!)

So, that's what I do. I have a show this weekend, actually. I'm currently on crutches, so I'll do it from a chair. I know the audience, so they won't mind. I did one a couple of weeks ago from a wheelchair. (I broke a femur in a car accident.)

Do you play?

RE: Once again, I am not sleeping! - deanhills - 11-28-2018

I love the Jethro Tull flute.  Cross Eyed Mary in the Aqualung Album was also great.  Ian Anderson has real mastery with flute. Here he is producing Bouree. Think Bach would have liked it too. Hehe .... Big Grin What I like too is the electrical guitar in the production.

RE: Once again, I am not sleeping! - KGIII - 11-28-2018

Ian Anderson is a nifty character. He doesn't drink or do drugs, he never has wanted to be involved in either.

He picked up the flute, simply because no other recording artists were playing it, about 6 months before he started performing with the flute. He also plays a variety of pipes.

If you like classical music, I'm actually a classical guitar by training. Sadly, nobody pays for classical guitarists unless you're one of maybe 500 people on the planet! So, I played pretty much everything but classical music.

Ha! In your linked video, Ian got so excited his earpiece came out. That's a monitor - that's so he can hear what he actually sounds like over any ambient noises in the venue. It is also used for sound to send cues, such as to count you all into a tricky piece with sound effects and ensure you all start in unison. They usually have different channels so that they can speak to just one performer at a time or to everyone at a time.

RE: Once again, I am not sleeping! - deanhills - 11-28-2018

I love classical guitar.  Thanks for posting the music.  That's a brilliant piece!

Back to Ian Anderson - that guy had and probably still has loads of energy and showmanship.  Like a born entertainer.

RE: Once again, I am not sleeping! - KGIII - 11-28-2018

(11-28-2018, 11:48 AM)deanhills Wrote: I love classical guitar.  Thanks for posting the music.  That's a brilliant piece!  

Back to Ian Anderson - that guy had and probably still has loads of energy and showmanship.  Like a born entertainer.

Ian has so much energy that I actually sometimes doubt his claim that he doesn't use drugs.

However, I didn't figure I'd mention that. For example, watch his BBC concert from like 1977. Not only does he have boundless energy, he runs behind the amps every now and again and comes back out sniffing.

Cocaine explains that behavior perfectly!


You ready for a mindfuck?

Here's the unanswered question.

In Aqualung, where is the comma? That matters. Ready? This is gonna change your life forever.

"Eyeing little girls with bad intent."

Or, is it, "Eyeing little girls, with bad intent"?

See, the old man who was cold and lonely was homeless. The little girls were a threat to him. They were, perhaps, pelting him with stones. Maybe they were just teasing him for his raspy breath?

How do we know where the comma is? Depending on where you put that comma, the whole meaning of the song changes.

The old man was a victim. That's why he had to go down to the bog. That's why he was sleeping on a park bench. He's the victim, not a pedophile!



Want me to ruin Jim Morrison for you - forever? LOL

RE: Once again, I am not sleeping! - Kururin - 11-29-2018

Welp I don't get these references, way too young for these songs I guess lol

RE: Once again, I am not sleeping! - rudra - 11-29-2018

(11-29-2018, 01:27 PM)Kururin Wrote: Welp I don't get these references, way too young for these songs I guess lol

thank goodness i do.. a little. even though i am like an outsider here. far away from their land and culture.

One reason might be i was always an outcast , avid reader and interested in other cultures..
Another might be cause i am half way to becoming old nutjob myself....

i always feel like i am just out of highschool. but then i look back and oh my gosh..i am so far away from that golden youthful shore of immortality. cant believe i cant eve see it anymore. When did i come so far ? why so much water all round ? will i ever feel that safe and strong again ?

well, that was mostly borrowed 'worry of the middle ages'...i am quite ok. thanks..

RE: Once again, I am not sleeping! - Khadeer143 - 11-29-2018

Never heard this suggest songs its like newbie for me gonna take a look