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[ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - Printable Version

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RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - deanhills - 09-13-2018

Lampard Wrote:@deanhills is also right about when someone is having a nice mood, i would feel like making so many posts in a day and that too with great quality. Now that rule is just simply removing all the freedom that a user should usually get in forums.

Absolutely agreed @Lampard.  Tonight I was in a great mood to post.  However I noticed that the 4 post max rule had already been implemented.  I could feel it personally effecting me and it demotivated me.  It also made me think of the technical consequence of this with no real reward in the end for the Forum.

How I noticed it is because the post counter was reset in between my last posting session yesterday and today's posting session.  I could check how the post counter counted my posts of today one by one.  The post counter stopped counting the posts after the 4th post I made.  The post I'm making now is post #6.

My personal feeling when I noticed it in action is one of being penalized for making additional posts.  The owner doesn't want me to make more than 4 posts a day.  I've been posting an average of over 50 posts a month since I joined post4vps.  So if I stick to the rule and only make 20 posts and stop right there, then technically post4vps will be losing 20 posts plus per month from me at the very least. 

Just imagine a new member registering and we all know how new members like to post.  Those new bulk posts are good for post numbers.  So the new quality member notices that after his 4th post the counter is no longer counting his posts.  I guess the staff then will have an inquiry from the new member.  At the same time the new member will have been demotivated and decided he'll start posting the next day - maybe even forget he joined the forum the day before.  The more posts a new member makes - in my experience - the more likely he will feel rooted to the forum.  If I were a new member and I don't see my posts being credited, I'll stop posting.

Like exactly what will have been achieved by the new rule?  Like is it going to stop the person who is going to make 4 posts per day over 5 days to get to 20, from making low quality posts?  I don't think so.  He made low quality posts at freevps and he is continuing with making low quality posts at post4vps - history is repeating itself. There is a good case for him continuing to make low quality posts in future. He'll now make the 20 low quality posts in the last 5 days of the month.  At the expense of demotivating members who are making quality posts and post4vps losing posts as a consequence.

RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - sagher - 09-14-2018

Why my post was removed from here?? also yesterday i done total 9 posts and now its shown 6. who is responsible of it? even a newly added Monthly post counter profile tab shown my yesterday posts are 3 and now its again 1. it's totally system failure. @Admins please rollback yesterday backup.

RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - Mashiro - 09-14-2018


The original server where Post4VPS has been hosted is down again. The staff moved to a new host and had to restore an older backup from the 12th September because they didn't have a backup of the 13th September as, well, the server where the files are is down. So there is data loss. A topic about this has been posted. So keep calm and show some understanding.

The topic:

Shoutbox messages from Dynamo about the new host:
[Image: OQQhaFA.png]

RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - humanpuff69 - 09-14-2018

the 4 post limitation is great for making those lots of post in end of the month thing . but that mean with just 5 days you post 4 times a day you can finish the required post .

RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - Littlemaster - 09-15-2018

It seems good to have a track on monthly posts made by users. But limiting them to four may attract complicated views. Anyways hope this plugin will ensure users activity on daily basis. I am confused about this month's minimum posts. Also, hope forum uptime will improve.

RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - humanpuff69 - 09-15-2018

(09-15-2018, 04:29 AM)Littlemaster Wrote: It seems good to have a track on monthly posts made by users. But limiting them to four may attract complicated views. Anyways hope this plugin will ensure users activity on daily basis. I am confused about this month's minimum posts. Also, hope forum uptime will improve.

the monthly post is 20 per month but you can only post 4/day otherwise it doesnt count . so 5 day is enough to fill all your monthly post requirement . this plugin will help alot espescially with those that burst post in the end of the month

RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - tryp4vps - 09-15-2018

(09-13-2018, 07:16 PM)deanhills Wrote: It's not the flooding that is the problem.  It's the quality of some of the posts that are made.  I've been in Forums for many years.  You can get a quality poster making 20 posts in one sitting and making 20 quality posts - of exceptional quality......

Of all Forums I can see in these years, it is rare to have users making 20 posts with exceptional quality within a single day.

In most cases, users trend to post with lower quality when they want higher quantity.

There is an easy solution for that special case, though. We can suggest @Dynamo adding a whitelist to the counter, for those who continuously making over 30 quality posts per month. This will address your concern. For the rest of us, maximum 4 posts per day should be the default.

(09-13-2018, 07:16 PM)deanhills Wrote: Forums aren't doing well and they are in the process of dying.  Post4vps has been doing well because of the great freedom it has allowed its members......

This is unfortunately incorrect. Freedom or respect is not the root cause. If FreeVPS admins chose a different path and kept their forum running, Post4VPS would not have been doing as good as you see today.

RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - deanhills - 09-16-2018

(09-15-2018, 02:32 PM)tryp4vps Wrote: Of all Forums I can see in these years, it is rare to have users making 20 posts with exceptional quality within a single day.

In most cases, users trend to post with lower quality when they want higher quantity.
I saw regular instances of bulk quality posts at GigaRocket while we were still offering VPSs.  Someone who wants a VPS and did the 25 posts all in one session - like a quality member who read the rules and knew what was expected.  The posts also sometimes indicated the maturity of that person Linux wise and VPS management wise, that I sometimes immediately responded with a VPS.  Like for me those posts were so good - they made it worth my while reading through them.  And of course someone writing those posts is a quality member in my eyes.  There weren't many of them, but there were at least enough of them to make me happy.  I always ended up learning from their posts. 

Must say I miss it, but every now and then, but more rarely now, there is a quality member who makes some good posts for a shared hosting account.  Could be because he was inspired by the Forum.  I think there is more than just expecting a member to make quality posts in his own merit.  He has to be motivated by something in the Forum that inspires him to make quality posts.  Could be the discussions already made that are quality and get him to respond as they were thought provoking, or the way the Forum is laid out.  Or maybe knowing of the owner and the tech admin at GigaRocket - like having respect for them and wanting to make quality posts.  Could be many reasons but at GigaRocket it does happen from time to time.  Just much less now with the shared hosting accounts - but it still happens though.  A quality poster who wants to get a shared hosting account on the fly and makes all of his 10 posts in one session.  And makes my day as well, as I love to read quality posts.  Makes me very happy.  Doesn't even have to be perfect quality posts.  Can be someone with a sense of humour who has some interesting contributions - even in a couple one-liners. 

(09-15-2018, 02:32 PM)tryp4vps Wrote: There is an easy solution for that special case, though. We can suggest @Dynamo adding a whitelist to the counter, for those who continuously making over 30 quality posts per month. This will address your concern. For the rest of us, maximum 4 posts per day should be the default.
To be honest, I've given up that my opinion matters in this.  My suggestion is probably going to be ignored as much as other suggestions have been ignored in the past as well. But thank you for at least validating my suggestion by responding to it.  I'll probably make less posts than I used to to be honest, this thread has not motivated me to make more posts.  Reason I also went all out in the past and posted as much over here is that I felt I had to do this because of the great VPS I received.  I wanted my point total to justify ownership of VPS 9, which I think I've succeeded in doing.  I'll still post more than the 20 posts needed per month because I like post4vps forum very much, but I don't think I'll post to the same volume I have in the past.  I'll try not to exceed 2/3 posts per day, and try and get used to not visiting the Forum every day - like that isn't really necessary any longer.

(09-15-2018, 02:32 PM)tryp4vps Wrote: This is unfortunately incorrect. Freedom or respect is not the root cause. If FreeVPS admins chose a different path and kept their forum running, Post4VPS would not have been doing as good as you see today.
I joined Post4vps two months before freevps went under. The community I found at already existed as it does now before freevps went under. I specifically was attracted to because of the relaxed atmosphere here.  It was so easy to make posts and I found myself naturally coming back to make more posts.  Atmosphere at FreeVPS was very tense with "us" the staff vs "them" the members issues - like there wasn't much regard coming from the staff to the members - they were pretty cynical of the members.  If you check around that time there were some discussions here at post4vps in the shoutbox about how members found it easier to post at post4vps than at freevps.   I agreed with them, as I myself found myself second guessing the quality of my posts at FreeVPS to the extent I needed to re-edit them or delete them quite often.  It was anything but a relaxed Forum to post to. You scarcely opened a topic and it got locked almost immediately. If FreeVPS admins decided to keep their forum running as it was, it probably would have died a natural death eventually - they would have had to change how they deal with the members first.  The VPSs were drying up fast and standard of Giveaway Process dropped enormously. Post4vps was probably doing better VPS wise at the time when the Admins at FreeVPS decided to call it an end. At the time they made their decision there was virtually no posts being made either.  I was one of about three members posting at the time.  And that was before the announcement was made - not after.  I'm not at post4vps because freevps ended.  I'm here because I really like the Forum very much.  I also have great respect for the owner and staff.  And I feel the other way round as well.

RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - sagher - 09-16-2018

@Dynamo you have to review on 4 post daily. i think it will be 6 or 8. because many of here vps holders are busy in work schedule. i just talk about me. i am at my project which is country side. and there is no internet access even no pc. and almost all my day even more then one day spend there. so in these conditions. how can i manage my monthly quota?
and for those who use spammy way to complete monthly target and post all there monthly quota in one or two days you have to set rules like who is not posting in more then 6 to 10 days. if someone not posting more then 10 days then send him warning. or gray list those holders. because those are addicted with this kind of trend who always follow it in every month. not for one month.

RE: [ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin - humanpuff69 - 09-17-2018

(09-16-2018, 05:34 PM)sagher Wrote: @Dynamo you have to review on 4 post daily. i think it will be 6 or 8. because many of here vps holders are busy in work schedule. i just talk about me. i am at my project which is country side. and there is no internet access even no pc. and almost all my day even more then one day spend there. so in these conditions. how can i manage my monthly quota?
and for those who use spammy way to complete monthly target and post all there monthly quota in one or two days you have to set rules like who is not posting in more then 6 to 10 days. if someone not posting more then 10 days then send him warning. or gray list those holders. because those are addicted with this kind of trend who always follow it in every month. not for one month.

4 is actually not that small amount . you can finish the 20 post in 5 days so that is just 1/6 of a month that you need to spent for posting . and 4 post isnt that many . but fore some people with tight schedule 5 days is still alot that they prefer to burst when they have a free time . every people have different schedule for everyting