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[CLOSED] 54th Giveaway
 17 VPSs are Available
  • 5x VPS 1
  • 2x VPS 3
  • 1x VPS 5 (Note: Detailed justification needed for using large specs - please read Sponsor Requirements)
  • 1x VPS 6
  • 1x VPS 8
  • 2x VPS 9 (Locations: Dallas & Los Angeles) (Note: Detailed justification needed for using large specs)
  • 2x VPS 10
  • 1x VPS 11
  • 1x VPS 12
  • 1x VPS 18

We're aiming at a date of 5th of March for announcing the winners.  VPSs will be allocated soon after.

For comparing the VPS Specifications, Users can check,3,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,18

  • Users must read and agree to all terms of the SPONSOR (of the VPS which they want) when they apply.  These can be found on our Plans Page.  
  • When you apply, please let us know your preferred OS and the Domain you will be using with the VPS.

Please Read before Applying
  1. Read Our Forum Rules before applying.
  2. You should have met our minimum requirements to get VPS.
  3. Read Application Format before applying. (If the application format is wrong then your Request will be rejected)
  4. You must post your VPS application in VPS Request Forum.
  5. Read TOS of VPS providers before applying.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Finally the 54 giveaway is here I'm going to apply for vps 1 again and use this for my website without dropkng it again ,thank you post4vps & p4v sponsors for wonderful giveaway !
thank you post4vps and  racknerd for wonderful vps3  Heart
I thought it was emphasized in my Opening Post but possibly members don't read announcements.  For those who want to compete for VPS 5 you need to give a detailed description in your VPS Request of how you will be using the VPS.  The justification should show the expertise of the member as a power user and how the specs of VPS 5 are needed and will be used for the projects the user wants to run on VPS 5.  There should also be a technical description of the projects and objectives.  Please don't say something broad in a one-liner with no discussion in it, like you're going to use it for educational purposes.  That says nothing about your expertise, or how the specs of the VPS will be used or details of the projects or websites you are going to run on the VPS.

Members should always read the requirements and TOS of sponsors before they apply, but specifically for VPS 5 your request should show an expert grasp of the requirements and convince the sponsor that you're a worthy applicant for the VPS.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
What a great giveaway, i recommend VPS 18 for anyone.
@Khadeer143 vps 1 is good but are you going to use 1gb ram for game servers? xd
(03-02-2020, 05:13 AM)youssefbasha Wrote: What a great giveaway, i recommend VPS 18 for anyone.
@Khadeer143 vps 1 is good but are you going to use 1gb ram for game servers? xd

I applied for both vps1 and vps18 yea I will use both for game servers since I need a France location for my game servers I already have London & Germany locations just need France or Amsterdam location to fullfil my host locations xd
thank you post4vps and  racknerd for wonderful vps3  Heart
It seems people prefers VPS 5 more than VPS 9. It is understandable but as a VPS 9 user myself, I have to say I like it very much and have no plan to switch to VPS 5.

But anyway, good luck to everyone else applying for the VPS 5 and still love to see someone with expert skills can get the VPS 5 if he/she really wants to. Smile

VPS5, Large Storage, Unlimited Bandwidth, very high speed!

Who will get it?

Good Luck !
Solo Developer
(03-02-2020, 06:06 AM)tryp4vps Wrote: It seems people prefers VPS 5 more than VPS 9. It is understandable but as a VPS 9 user myself, I have to say I like it very much and have no plan to switch to VPS 5.
VPS 9 looks great but the reason people prefer VPS 5 over VPS 9 is just because of its location as many of us like Europe locations for hosting game servers and hosting other things.
(03-02-2020, 05:26 PM)Decent12 Wrote: VPS 9 looks great but the reason people prefer VPS 5 over VPS 9 is just because of its location as many of us like Europe locations for hosting game servers and hosting other things.
Another reason is users get their own Admin panel. The OS and Admin Panel is more up to date than your average Admin Panel as Manal is completely hands-on with his software. There is more active hands-on support from the sponsor. Like if you're a power user Manal is likely to stand right behind you in your projects as he is keen to show case his VPS to every one. He wants you to be successful with your projects. Virmach is much larger and although the VPSs are great, and we do get support, we don't get it on the same level as from Shadow Hosting. The KVM change has not been that great for availability of OS and up to date OS - Virmach seems to be struggling with conflicts after the change to KVM. We can't use Ubuntu. I still prefer my VPS 9 though, but then I've always been a CentOS user, and am happy with what I have right now. I'm not on an up to date CentOS, but things are working OK and I'm happy with the speed. It's working is also seamless. Feels like something is right in the configuration of VPS 9, but that KVM change that was done production style instead of individually, created some issues for OS that hopefully will be sorted out in the long run.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
A great Giveaway again. Seeing some super powerful VPSes on the list, two being VPS 9 Dallas and Los Angeles, and the other being VPS 5.

I do agree with @deanhills about the panel. Sometimes it's much more convenient as well as time-saving to install/reinstall the OS on your own rather than having to pester the staff all the time. Of course I'm not saying that the Staff complains, Dean is very regular with handling requests, but personally I don't like going after him when I accidentally lock myself out or I need my OS reinstalled.

Also, Manal is a very active member of this forum, as as Dean said, a great support provider as well. Smile. I really like some of the sponsors being contributing to the deliberations of this forum.

I love my VPS 9. Recommended to the participants with a good usage of the VPS. VPS 5 is storage intensive, so it's an ideal one for someone with huge application justifying the grand specs.

Good luck to all the applicants!

Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
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