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[CLOSED] 60th Giveaway
 21 VPSs are Available
  • 6x VPS 1  [Games Servers not advised]
  • 1x VPS 2  [Games Servers allowed]
  • 1x VPS 3  [Games Servers allowed]
  • 1x VPS 6  [Games Servers allowed]
  • 5x VPS 7  [Games Servers not allowed] [Locations: Atlanta, NY, Seattle, LA,  Germany]
  • 1x VPS 8  [Games Servers not advised]
  • 1x VPS 9  [Location: Phoenix]
  • 1x VPS 10 [Games Servers not advised]
  • 1x VPS 11 [Games Servers not allowed]
  • 1x VPS 12 [Games Servers not allowed]
  • 1x VPS 16 [Until end of Oct only - Games Servers allowed]
  • 1x VPS 18 [Until end of Dec only - Games Servers allowed]

If you wish to apply for VPS 7, please let us know your preferred location.  The five available locations are: Germany, and Atlanta, New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles in the US

We're aiming at a date of around 6th of August for announcing the winners.  

For comparing the VPS Specifications, users can check,2,3,6,7,...1,12,16,18

  • Users must read and agree to all terms of the SPONSOR (of the VPS which they want) when they apply.  These can be found on our Plans Page.  
  • When you apply, please let us know your preferred OS and the Domain you will be using with the VPS.

Please Read before Applying
  1. Read Our Forum Rules before applying.
  2. You should have met our minimum requirements to get VPS.
  3. Read Application Format before applying. (If the application format is wrong then your Request will be rejected)
  4. You must post your VPS application in VPS Request Forum.
  5. Read TOS of VPS providers before applying.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Good luck to everyone who are participating in this giveaway special thanks to sponsors and Post4vps for another special giveaway vps 9 is avaible grab it ,we badly need game servers vps company's tos sponsor for post4vps
thank you post4vps and  racknerd for wonderful vps3  Heart
21 VPSs!?!?!? Wowowowow! I don’t recall seeing giveaways with that many on here before (unless i forgot). This is one hell of an improvement considering that a few months ago post4vps was running out of VPSs to giveaway!

And, yet again, VPS 9 is also on this giveaway! I wonder who the lucky holder of VPS 9 would be! I’m confident that it will be someone that would actually utilize its generous specs, as the admins over here (@deanhills and @Dynamo to be exact) always put in so much effort and time into figuring out who actually deserves to win VPS 9!
Thank you Post4VPS and VirMach for providing me with VPS9! But now it’s time to say farewell due to my studies.
Some interesting choices are available including VPS9. Sadly only 3 servers come with a control panel. I think VPS8 is the best among the lot apart from 50GB Space and 4GB RAM it's the only one with a control panel. I think that one is pretty good for running a decent web server. VPS12 looks very good too apart from the fact no panel. I didn't consider VPS16 and VPS18 since those won't be here for long.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

Well, yet another cool giveaway. And "cool" because we've a lot of VPSes available.

VPS 8 and 9 should be the ideal choice for someone looking for combined specs and performance.

As @xdude said, VPS 16 and 18 have a really short span, VPS 16 being for less than a couple of months.

Even though a few VPSes don't have a panel that shouldn't be a problem because Dean has an express support service which kinda amazes me as to how he responds to everyone so quickly. Big Grin

Good luck to all applicants! Smile
Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
21 VPS Available in this giveaway! Such beastly VPS available Good luck everyone who is gonna apply for such amazing beastly VPS like VPS 8,9,16,18!
Good luck everyone!
Thanks to ReadyDedis and Post4VPS for the amazing VPS 7!

good luck for those who apply for the remaining vps. also great to see how many vps are available in this giveaway (21). i want to apply for vps 16 or 18 but it will be terminated in 1 month so it aint worth it Sad
Thank you Post4vps and BladeNode for vps 6!!!
There are many great VPS's available. Its really a great giveaway. I am very sad because i am going to lose my VPS 18 very soon. I am also participating in this giveaway.
Best of Luck to all applicants. VPS 9 is the most awesome VPS of this Giveaway. I wish we could host game-servers on VPS 1.

Thanks to Post4VPS and Hostlease for their great services.  
A good giveaway but I am noticing that some VPSes have been vacant for a long time (Such as the VPS 1s), back when I first started here VPS 1 was my first VPS I got and my experience with it was particularly good. (I used it mainly for hosting music bots/teamspeak) and It did a wonderful job back then. Infact I really enjoyed H4F's services and ended up buying their services later for commercial reasons. I wonder why its mostly vacant.
Thanks to ShadowHosting and Post4VPS for my VPS 5!
Our 60th giveaway! Yeah 60th means we have conducted this kind of giveaway for 60 months already.

What a long journey! I think we should all congrat for it. Smile

Good luck for anyone who may win in this special giveaway.

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Sponsors: VirMach - Host4Fun - CubeData - Evolution-Host - HostDare - Hyper Expert - Shadow Hosting - Bladenode - Hostlease - RackNerd - ReadyDedis - Limitless Hosting