10-15-2016, 10:35 AM
Do you defrag disc regularly ? Is it required ? If yes, which software do you use ?
(10-18-2016, 09:58 AM)Dudi Wrote: On Windows 10 this is not necessary because the OS takes care of this automatically in the background.
(10-18-2016, 08:59 PM)meetdilip Wrote: How do you manage to keep Windows for 2 years in a stretch ? Most people end up formatting once in 6 months
(04-15-2017, 06:05 AM)humanpuff69 Wrote: for hard disk drive yes . but you dont really need it to defrag it every day because it probably will kill your hrd drive . you need to do it like a month or so and defragging the hard drive will improve the hard drive performance . but if you use ssd or solid state drive NEVER DEFRAG IT . it will reduce your ssd lifetime and some people fried their ssd or solid state drive because of defragment
consclusion is that if you have a hard disk drive you should defrag it monthly but if you have a blazingly fast solid state drive you sSHOULD NOT DEFRAG IT . NEVER . JUST NEVER . it will kill your ssd and im not responsible for that