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[Help]anyone help me in ogp agent
Hi guys I was trying to install ogp agent in my vps3 I flowed 1 by 1 step using codes everything was gone good but when I enter in my ogp panel like and try to add my vps it shows error like this below
"The Agent that is controlling this server is offline.Could not add server" how to fix it ? "Anyone help me pls
thank you post4vps and  racknerd for wonderful vps3  Heart
@Khadeer143: Probably this might help you -

Go to the end of the page where the OP wrote how he solved the issue and follow the steps accordingly.
Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
I fixed adding ogp agent in my vps now I got another problem when I'm trying to install MTA sa and samp servers its not working how to install manually in ogp
thank you post4vps and  racknerd for wonderful vps3  Heart
Create Mta server from opg install using Rsync button which will be in the side list where you will find start and stop server buttons. click on that Rsync button select 1st server from the list and install it.
do this same for samp
Sorry Its fixed already without doing rsync option thanks anyway!
thank you post4vps and  racknerd for wonderful vps3  Heart
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