Hey guys how you doing,
First of all I wanna give a big up for the founder of this idea of the whole project which is really nice and cool beacause it's an easy way to get a VPS without any difficulties or payments which means it's totally free, I'm finding the idea of this project really useful since I can not pay any money transactions on the internet due to our country rules, I hope it will be changed in the common days, whatever.
It's Xirot here a 19 years old guy from Tunisia trying to get involved with you guys, I'm here as y'all know guys to get a VPS as soon as possible because my Gaming Community got closed for a while and I want to revive it.
I did the forum manager role before with a similar project like you guys but it's down now (you can feel free to contact me if you need me in dat role
) so yeah now I got many free time and I'm ready to launch back my Gaming Community servers online.

Thank you for your time,
Peace and love 

Don't wait for it, bring it yourself!