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Is it possible?
Hello guys, 
I want to ask if i can male small servers (vps) frok another vps (not VDS),is it possible? If ues, can anyone tell me how? Maybe a tutorial link or something.
Well i don't know how but yeah it possible if you are member of there was a users (@FlamesRunner) who created VPSes on his VPS with dynamic IP and different ports for each VPS actually he had his own VPS control panel. But my experience was very bad with that Shared-VPS obviously VPS is already shared machine on dedicated server and making VPS on a VPS is not a good idea i think if you want to share your VPS you can create user on it.

Here is his Github:
and here you can find that control panel:

I discuss with him in PM about 8 months ago he guide me and explain about his control panel.

Note: next guideline credit goes to @FlamesRunner
Quote:For the host node, you need to restore the database at

"Host node installation is a little more complicated. First, you'll need to install a LEMP stack on your server. It's assumed that you already know how to do this.

Then, download the web directory, and move the contents to your NGINX web directory. Afterwards, restore the MySQL table named 'restoreThis.sql' within the web directory into a database of your choice.

Enter your database details into the configuration file at the root of your web directory, and that should be it.

Last thing: To create your first user, please use the utility stored in the web directory, named 'createFirstUser.php' from the command line. An administrative user will be created using your database details and once you've logged in, you'll have the chance to change the password."

Understandably, you will need to do this from the command line. Once you've restored the database, run "php createFirstUser.php".

On my reply: "ok i will try this later i just want to know that this panel can create VPSes on VPS OR can control VPS to stop/start/restart etc."

His reply was: It can do both.

Suggestion he gave: No worries, and yes, while it is possible, I don't recommend doing it as it isn't fast or efficient. Grab yourself a Scaleway dedicated instance, Hetzner cloud instance, Netcup rootserver or a cheap dedicated server and you'll be better off.

I hope you @youssefbasha you got what you want.

Goodluck don't forgot to share your experience with this panel, I will also try once on my friend's VPS.
Best Regards,
Global Moderator of Post4VPS 

Oops, i forgot to reply here.
I would like to ask if i can do something like domainname/ separated from any other panel because i already have a web hosting panel at this vps
Yes you can but:

1: look at your providers tos to see if you are allowed to nest vpses
2: nested vps ARE I?O hungry. these are basicly not allowed here in post4vps vpses.
3: you need kvm virtualization.

so my advice is:
get an other vps.

and what vps specs and whats your provider?

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