01-30-2017, 12:38 PM
Hope you all fine. i am a great lover of Nintendo gameboy, gameboy advance, Nintendo Entertainment Systems NES Games. so i will share with you how to Install a NES emulator and Nintendo games on your Debian or Ubuntu servers.
So far I have only attempted to install CC65 and FCEUX on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64-bit), where I rely on APT (i.e.
, as used by Ubuntu and Debian).
First we install cc65:
An APT repository that can be used to install cc65 as a Debian package. To use it, first make sure you have
Add the key for Spiro’s repository:
(Add Spiro’s repository to your APT sources, by editing
/etc/apt/sources.list) and adding the following lines at the end:
Update your APT sources:
Install specifically2 version
2.13.3-1 of cc65 and cc65-nes:
Check cc65 :
Now we install FCEUX:
First, make sure (curl) and (unzip) are installed, as they will come in handy later:
sudo apt-get install curl unzip
Install the fceux package:
Now Back files are Installed and time to test it.
Download a NES ROM package file (i.e. a .nes file) from somewhere, and launch it with fceux. For example, grab the free BombSweeper, extract the file, and launch it.
If you get any encoding or resolution error. i am not expert for this. so try to find out solution on Internet.
Launch FCEUX:
Make sure your resulting is a Page with HELLO, WORLD!
Hope you all fine. i am a great lover of Nintendo gameboy, gameboy advance, Nintendo Entertainment Systems NES Games. so i will share with you how to Install a NES emulator and Nintendo games on your Debian or Ubuntu servers.
So far I have only attempted to install CC65 and FCEUX on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64-bit), where I rely on APT (i.e.
Code: (Select All)
First we install cc65:
An APT repository that can be used to install cc65 as a Debian package. To use it, first make sure you have
Code: (Select All)
Code: (Select All)
sudo apt-get install debian-keyring
Add the key for Spiro’s repository:
Code: (Select All)
gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 2AF47E44
gpg -a --export 2AF47E44 | sudo apt-key add -
(Add Spiro’s repository to your APT sources, by editing
/etc/apt/sources.list) and adding the following lines at the end:
Code: (Select All)
deb http://debian.trikaliotis.net/ stable contrib
deb-src http://debian.trikaliotis.net/ stable contrib
Update your APT sources:
Code: (Select All)
sudo apt-get update
Install specifically2 version
2.13.3-1 of cc65 and cc65-nes:
Code: (Select All)
sudo apt-get install cc65=2.13.3-1 cc65-nes=2.13.3-1
Check cc65 :
Code: (Select All)
$ cc65 --version
cc65 V2.13.3
SVN version: 5401
Now we install FCEUX:
First, make sure (curl) and (unzip) are installed, as they will come in handy later:
sudo apt-get install curl unzip
Install the fceux package:
Code: (Select All)
sudo apt-get install fceux
Now Back files are Installed and time to test it.
Download a NES ROM package file (i.e. a .nes file) from somewhere, and launch it with fceux. For example, grab the free BombSweeper, extract the file, and launch it.
Code: (Select All)
fceux BombSweeper.nes
If you get any encoding or resolution error. i am not expert for this. so try to find out solution on Internet.
Launch FCEUX:
Code: (Select All)
fceux hello.nes
Make sure your resulting is a Page with HELLO, WORLD!