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acmetool (Alternative Let's Encrypt client) | DNS Auth using Cloudflare
acmetool - An Alternative for CertBot | DNS Auth for Cloudflare

acmetool is an alternative client for acme CAs like Let's encrypt. It's easier to use as well. One of the biggest differences is it doesn't configure the web servers for you. It offers autorenewal using cron. (With certbot, you need to manually setup the cronjob)
I will be helping you to compile it from source Smile THen setup for DNS auth using cloudflare.

NOTE: This is for CentOS only. (only tested on 7) I will be continuing writing this next week. (I'll add instructions for other distros)


Installation of Requirements
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sudo yum install -y epel-release make libcap-devel golang nginx python34 bind-utils
curl -O
sudo /usr/bin/python3.4

1. Let's get the source first.
cd ~
git clone

2. Compiling the code
sudo make install

3. acmetool setup
sudo acmetool quickstart
When asked for what ACME server to use, please select the Live server by pressing "1" then press enter.
When asked for what challenge to use, please select hook by pressing "6" then press enter.

4. Setup the hooks that is needed
cd /usr/libexec/acme/hooks

Get the API key for your cloudflare account
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Go to and login.
Go to your settings and click "View API Key" on Global API Key. (It should be like this "e62848e7da4da13dcc35a238cae8684b7fe4f")
Configuring the hook file
open dns.hook on your favorite text editor then go to line 45.
Replace "EMAIL" with your email. Then Replace "KEY" with your API key. Enclose both with double quotes.
headers = {
    'X-Auth-Email': "[email protected]",
    'X-Auth-Key': "e62848e7da4da13dcc35a238cae8684b7fe4f",
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
Save the file.
Testing the hook
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python3 dns.hook test test.domain.tld #Replace with your domain
If it outputs an error please check the Email and Key

5. Getting a certificate
This is the easy part Smile
acmetool want domain.tld www.domain.tld sub.domain.tld #Replace with your domains

Certificates are stored in /var/lib/acme/live/domain.tld

Extra Notes:
Use "/var/lib/acme/live/domain.tld/fullchain" when configuring your webserver
The private key is stored in "/var/lib/acme/live/domain.tld/privkey".
(Change domain.tld to your domain of course)
I don't remember if it asks you to setup cronjobs on quickstart, if it asked you select yes. (This is for auto renewal) - Free VPSs!
Great tutorial. With this tool you do not need to setup the webserver so it's easier to setup.

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