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Anyone Collect Stamps or Coins here ?
It doesn't have to be stamps or coins. I can be other things like those lottery sheets, bus tickets, postcards etc. What do you guys collect as a hobby ?

Collecting Stamps is my main hobby. I have done this for a long time. I used to just collect any stamp I get free but now I buy stamps too. It can be a costly at a times but pretty cool when you get this feeling. Also it can be a good investment since you can cash your collection fast and get money. Right now I collect only local stamps and just special stamps from other countries.

Also I do collect local old coins. Im not into that same way as for collecting stamps but its another cool hobby. Its fun to get a coin which has been out there for over 1000 years.

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currently i am collecting oxigen.
cause i still want to life Smile

i dont collect anything while i still think it is cool to do.
have some vintage in house.
Things like collecting Stamps or coins can be very addictive. Specially if you start buying these. You end you spending lots of money for it.You can get more than you spend when you resell it later but it would be frustrating to spend all in your pocket for these.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

Nope never became one of the collectors, except for games Wink
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Today I talked with a girl who has an interesting Hobby. She collects spoons. She said they has several hundreds of spoons of all kinds. Mostly tea spoons but also she buy antique mental and wooden spoons if she finds these for cheap. She said her collection would worth several thousand usd because there are several dozen sliver spoons. Those have not only sliver value but also antique value.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

I was also a stamp and physical coin collector long time ago. I am still keeping them, but now I no longer actively seek to collect more.

Now I start to collect the so-called "virtual coins", such as Bitcoin. Smile

iam currently trying to collect life skills... && in the past i was collecting seashell...
but iamn't intersted in collecting those kind of Extinct objects(collecting them isn't being running this days on my country) as our grandpa && grandma they are only who was collecting them (iam so sorry if my words is looking so rude)
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Well Stamp collecting is a hobby which is popular among either kids or people who can spend money for it. So it's still popular in western countries as a hobby as well as investment method. If you look at eBay where it is a million dollar business most sellers are from Western countries like USA, UK, Canada and Germany. When it comes to Asia its more popular some big cities I think.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

Many people have this type of hobby, but for some reason i was never interested in this type of things nor ever though of it collecting them even.
Its old hobby don't know still some collect these ,no one like to collect now or buy the old coins etc...but its ur hobby so u can
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