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i got a linux vps and i dont know something at linux. i use debian and sometimes changing it to ubuntu.
i tried to download ftp on both systems and i get always errors doing it. sometimes cant connect sometimes perrmison denied
and no tutorials about how to configure it. only how to install
can someone share here a good ftp tutorial for debian or ubuntu? (i prefer debian)
how to install and configure it please. thanks!
and i got a small question, i heard people making topics here about game panels. what is it?
Thank you Post4vps and BladeNode for vps 6!!!
If you are hosting an site for urself and don't need anyone else on it.

There is an sftp on 22 available.
Login is same as ssh login.

If you want ftp separate Google is your friend.
whats the diffrence on Sftp and Ftp? they are same no? (please remove that annoying thing of 50 characters)
Thank you Post4vps and BladeNode for vps 6!!!
Sftp is Secured File Transfer Protocol , It works with SSH, and FTP is File Transfer Protocol.
SFTP is secure and faster but it's a bit pain to configure connection since you want to deal with pair of public / private keys. But once you done you don't need to use passwords or anything. So if it's a long term thing and you will be using transfer files regularly then SFTP will be a good choice.

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