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Giveaway Complaints
It has been came to our Attention that some users are unhappy with the process how the VPSs are being distributed and blaming Giveaway Manager for this, So with regards to that I am trying to make things clear once again.

We are not distributing VPSs randomly, doing the Giveaway is a process on its own, And for transparency we already made it clear about how the vpses would get distributed.
Except VPS 9, all VPSs are being distributed according to user credits, whoever has higher credits in their Post4VPS Forum account, they would be given more priority. Regarding the VPS 9, since it is a special VPS that's why we given more priority to the purpose of use of the vps, also it comes with no panels so it would require user who are comfortable with terminal control.
And about choice for credit as a main factor of winner is not random too.
Anyone having lesser credits should not think that users having 2x or 3x more credits are getting vpses more easily which is unfair. You would start understanding if you start thinking about how much time and efforts those users would have put into their posts to come up with such credits, 

And if you think that its obvious that whoever comes first would be more richer since they are here for longer than you, well if you think from other way then you would also start understanding that its also not same as it looks, users who are here for longer, they must had been with us when no one were there and that makes them special too which is why they deserve those credits, we have got many users in past but only few were able to attain their legacy.

So rather blaming anyone we should try to contribute to the forum, and by doing that you would automatically get what you want.

And if anyone really have any problems then they can put things on suggestions, we would love to make necessary amendments since we would do whatever will be best for the forum.


I get that reasoning but you have to also count in how they cannot hog a good resource for themselves while they are the oldest and already have a VPS themselves. There should be a way new and upcoming members of the community can receive a fair chance of receiving that beefy VPS even not having enough credit. By new and upcoming I mean (200+ credit range). Just my two cents feel free to give constructive criticism
No one knows what the future holds, that's why its potential is infinite
(08-01-2019, 12:22 AM)Kururin Wrote: I get that reasoning but you have to also count in how they cannot hog a good resource for themselves while they are the oldest and already have a VPS themselves. There should be a way new and upcoming members of the community can receive a fair chance of receiving that beefy VPS even not having enough credit. By new and upcoming I mean (200+ credit range). Just my two cents feel free to give constructive criticism

@Kururin  This is a post4host Forum.  The VPSs are given on a post4host basis.  Those who work hardest on their posts get the better VPSs.  They deserve to get it as they worked hard to get a better VPS.  And as long as they make their 20 posts per month they get to keep their VPS.  Members like xdude deserve to have the best VPS as xdude makes excellent quality posts, is a quality contributor to the Forum, a foundation member, and creates the kind of traffic to the Forum that justifies its existence.  After all, that is what post4vps is about.  The owner needs your quality posts in order to keep post4vps going.  Now if you could do the same and make real quality posts in the same way as xdude does, that attract more traffic to the Forum and make Dynamo smile from ear to ear, then you'll soon find the opportunity to get a really good VPS yourself and keep it for long as it is around.

BUT, are you really interested in posting for hosting?  Why I ask is that I seem to have to remind you almost every month about your missing posts.  And then the worst part is when you make quickie one-liner posts at the end of the month, like really the end - the last few hours, and I have little choice to allow you to do that as I don't want you to lose your VPS.  Do you think that kind of effort deserves a better quality VPS?  In the circumstances you're getting an excellent VPS relative to the limited effort you've been putting in.

So what I'm saying is your quality VPS is directly relative to the quality and status of your posts at post4vps. If you want a quality VPS, you have to work on quality posts to get it.  There is not even a question of fair or unfair in this.  As the quality and status of your posts show up in your profile as credit points.  It's a formula on which the Forum was built.  And is completely transparent as you can see the credit points of the member in the member's profile. If you did not get the VPS you competed for, you can check the winner's profile, and you'll see clearly in his profile why he won the VPS.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Agree on @deanhills. We should work harder to get more excellent VPS. If we look up into real-world job availability and job seeker, you can see where someone with higher and more experience are easier to get a new job, while fresh graduate without experience is a little bit hard to get a job. This is where we can find in post4host forum too, higher quality and more post get their host easier, while fresh graduate should work with small VPS (like I did before, VPS 10 > VPS 8 > VPS 5) and get gain posts and make more quality posts.
Thanks to Limitless Hosting and Post4VPS for providing me excellent VPS 13!
Completely agree on the choosing process, some people just get salty when they don't get what they want and then try to blame others for their own lacking. I've been here for quite sometime now, and even then I've barely managed to get 1500 credits, that's because I don't really post big posts that often, however, I mostly get the VPS I am looking for because of how long Its been since I joined here.
Thanks to ShadowHosting and Post4VPS for my VPS 5!
It is fair distribution.On start i complained staff regarding distributing VPS's.But after time i learnt.Thanks for the explanation.
I feel very sad for Post4VPS when i see that mostly VPS holders including myself just complete their monthly posts in simple pointless replies.
The policy is absolutely right. Work Hard to get success.

Thanks to Post4VPS and Hostlease for their great services.  
(08-01-2019, 12:22 AM)Kururin Wrote: I get that reasoning but you have to also count in how they cannot hog a good resource for themselves while they are the oldest and already have a VPS themselves. There should be a way new and upcoming members of the community can receive a fair chance of receiving that beefy VPS even not having enough credit. By new and upcoming I mean (200+ credit range). Just my two cents feel free to give constructive criticism

If this is the case then wouldn't it be unfair for old members who have a high credit if any new members can take a big server passing them? What's the point of old members been loyal to the forum and contribute their time. Then credits would have no value at all. What fair is a member joins the forum then stay long enough to contribute enough to make him/her deserver a good VPS? Also, older the user then gain credibility. If they have a positive history at forum then you can be sure the would use a high-end server with care. Or a total stranger can come then grab the good server and then DDOS someone he dislikes. That might even cost us a sponsor. That this person might join again with different credentials and do the same thing again.

Also not every old member jump to every new server available. I have been using save VPS since 2017. Now there are lot better bigger servers available but I have no interest changing the VPS. So I think the give away rules we have here are pretty much standard for any post4hosting forum.  Contribute > Bigger Score > Better Server.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

(08-01-2019, 04:25 PM)xdude Wrote: If this is the case then wouldn't it be unfair for old members who have a high credit if any new members can take a big server passing them? What's the point of old members been loyal to the forum and contribute their time. Then credits would have no value at all. What fair is a member joins the forum then stay long enough to contribute enough to make him/her deserver a good VPS? Also, older the user then gain credibility. If they have a positive history at forum then you can be sure the would use a high-end server with care. Or a total stranger can come then grab the good server and then DDOS someone he dislikes. That might even cost us a sponsor. That this person might join again with different credentials and do the same thing again.

Also not every old member jump to every new server available. I have been using save VPS since 2017. Now there are lot better bigger servers available but I have no interest changing the VPS. So I think the give away rules we have here are pretty much standard for any post4hosting forum.  Contribute > Bigger Score > Better Server.

I feel like everyone took my comment in the wrong direction. I just suggested that a new member have some chance (not all) of receiving a better VPS. The old ones are experienced and can have better VPS'es if they like so but I wouldn't like as a new member (mid-tier) not have any good chance of receiving a VPS that's slightly beefier. New members doesn't mean anyone who just signed up and got some posts and got a VPS. It takes a definitely more than months to accumulate 200+ credits. Thus my usage of "upcoming". I am definitely not pointing at myself as I am frequently late to make up my posts and don't have much time to explore and contribute to this forum. But I am trying from now on.
No one knows what the future holds, that's why its potential is infinite
@Kururin I don't think anyone took your comment wrong way. They are saying rules we have now is perfect. Like you said, let say someone wants a little better server he has? A new member with a lower score? All he has to do it post a little bit more quality posts. If you do 4 quality posts per day that will get you 120 posts in a month so your score would go up too. It's simple and fair for everyone. If you want something better to contribute a little more and take it. There are members who just come to the forum in give away times and apply for one of the biggest in the list. Then wonder why he keeps getting rejected. All they have to do is be more active while waiting. Post more quality stuff and improve their score. That's one everyone else does including old members. Is that really unfair for a new member or for a member with low scare? Smile

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

I am agreed with @Dynamo because i have my own experience. when i am new and i wish to get VPS-9 but as per rules and my points i am not selected and i know i was wait for a year to maintain my profile for vps-9. and by mistake once i lost my container mistakenly. but i try hard to get it back. it's my luck. here in p4v all admins and moderators are well experienced and always there to manage things and help out you. if still anyone have issues then i have a little idea. " set the exact point range for available vps's. i mean the newly joined person not apply for big package. and containers are divided as there specs with members points range. 0to100, 100to500, 500to1000 and put specific packages as there point table. what is you say @Dynamo ?
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