08-04-2019, 03:28 AM
This thread was inspired by the announcement from HostLease about the EU requirement for ID. Although I have a perfect understanding where that comes from, and I know Hostlease has to do it, it still makes me hot under the collar at the way things are moving with the Internet. We no longer have the freedom we used to have. And it's steadily getting worse and worse.
We've just had a major successful hacking of a very large credit card corporation - Capital One - in Canada last week. It involved millions of ID including social insurance numbers. The hacking was done by a crazy IT lady from the States who said she did it just because she could. She announced it in the social media and is now behind bars. That to me means there must have been a vulnerability in Capital One's access system for a crazy person to have been able to hack it. Luckily it doesn't look as though the info was sold, BUT, wow. Where is this going to stop? Like small people like us get to be shunted around by large corporations and governments to trust them with our personal details. These days every one is living with plastic IDs and credit and debit cards that are provided as though that is regular and OK to do. If one questions it, one is seen as "otherwise". I'm otherwise! I don't think the banking or any of the other corporations and governments care one iota about my safety and security. It's all about control for their own agendas and it always ends up with their bottom line. It's cheap to do it this way. And if a large corporation or Government entity gets hacked, maybe that's good for them, as they now have an added excuse to put in more safety and controls, and demand more ID and compliance from every one else. All in the name of safety and security. For me the EU in Europe is a glorified police state. Thank goodness I'm not living there! But I don't think it is farfetched to think that what is happening in Europe is probably going to make its way to the rest of the world as Governments in other countries must be watching what the EU is doing with the Internet ID requirement. WordPress, a US company has even all of the EU docs prepared in new WordPress installations.
The dark net now seems to be looking attractive to me. Where does one start with it? Like can someone really savvy create a "safe zone" in the dark net where Governments and large corporations can't get their greedy fingers in?
We've just had a major successful hacking of a very large credit card corporation - Capital One - in Canada last week. It involved millions of ID including social insurance numbers. The hacking was done by a crazy IT lady from the States who said she did it just because she could. She announced it in the social media and is now behind bars. That to me means there must have been a vulnerability in Capital One's access system for a crazy person to have been able to hack it. Luckily it doesn't look as though the info was sold, BUT, wow. Where is this going to stop? Like small people like us get to be shunted around by large corporations and governments to trust them with our personal details. These days every one is living with plastic IDs and credit and debit cards that are provided as though that is regular and OK to do. If one questions it, one is seen as "otherwise". I'm otherwise! I don't think the banking or any of the other corporations and governments care one iota about my safety and security. It's all about control for their own agendas and it always ends up with their bottom line. It's cheap to do it this way. And if a large corporation or Government entity gets hacked, maybe that's good for them, as they now have an added excuse to put in more safety and controls, and demand more ID and compliance from every one else. All in the name of safety and security. For me the EU in Europe is a glorified police state. Thank goodness I'm not living there! But I don't think it is farfetched to think that what is happening in Europe is probably going to make its way to the rest of the world as Governments in other countries must be watching what the EU is doing with the Internet ID requirement. WordPress, a US company has even all of the EU docs prepared in new WordPress installations.
The dark net now seems to be looking attractive to me. Where does one start with it? Like can someone really savvy create a "safe zone" in the dark net where Governments and large corporations can't get their greedy fingers in?