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I'm upgrading my laptop RAM into 8GB, currently it has x2 2GB PC3-10600S 1333mhz installed RAM.
Can it be possible to upgrade ram with higher frequency? I was planning to buy x2 4GB PC3-12800S 1600mhz.
Yes, of course it is posstibe but your motherboard has to support it.
You can check on its manufacturer webpage.
But if your laptop doesn't support 12800S then new RAM modules can work in 10600S.
So 90% sure it will work fine.
But some laptops doesn't like Kingston brand, and some need LV=low voltage rams.
@Dudi , is it possible to upgrade RAM on a laptop ? I mean, how do you check ?
Thanks  @Post4VPS

(10-14-2016, 02:09 PM)meetdilip Wrote: @Dudi , is it possible to upgrade RAM on a laptop ? I mean, how do you check ?

What is your laptop brand and model? 
You have to unscrew the srews from the bottom of your laptop.
Mine is a Dell laptop. It is a bit old. I couldn't see a free RAM slot when I last checked. Can I buy a higher rating RAM and replace it ? Any way to see how much RAM does motherboard support ?
Thanks  @Post4VPS

(10-14-2016, 10:33 AM)Dudi Wrote: Yes, of course it is posstibe but your motherboard has to support it.
You can check on its manufacturer webpage.
But if your laptop doesn't support 12800S then new RAM modules can work in 10600S.
So 90% sure it will work fine.
But some laptops doesn't like Kingston brand, and some need LV=low voltage rams.

Hmmm is it good? there will no problem with the following month after using it? so you mean if I bought 12800S if my mobo doesnt support it it will only use 10600S is that what you mean? actually what I'm buying is a Kingston brand RAM
If your ram is clocked at 1600Mhz but your motherboard only supports 1333Mhz, it will use 1333Mhz freq. - Free VPSs!
i will buy new ram and this thread make me understand before upgrading my ram Big Grin
Many thanks to Abc-Hosters LLC and post4vps for the VPS 3  Party

- Sorry for my bad English

(10-14-2016, 02:09 PM)meetdilip Wrote: @Dudi , is it possible to upgrade RAM on a laptop ? I mean, how do you check ?

(10-14-2016, 04:28 PM)meetdilip Wrote: Mine is a Dell laptop. It is a bit old. I couldn't see a free RAM slot when I last checked. Can I buy a higher rating RAM and replace it ? Any way to see how much RAM does motherboard support ?

It's depend on you chipset on motherboard and processor it self, usually you can find it's type on the bios UI and then google that type. But on my dell it's max ram info already posted on the box so i just upgraded this from just 2GB to 6GB.
(10-15-2016, 07:56 AM)Conan Wrote: @Vuluts
If your ram is clocked at 1600Mhz but your motherboard only supports 1333Mhz, it will use 1333Mhz freq.

Oh I see, so even if RAM has high mhz it will follow my board mhz
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