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BladeNode  BladeNode - DirectAdmin Hosting
I first would like to say thank you so much to @phoenixwolf for setting up this amazing offer for the Post4VPS Community and extending the BladeNode services to us. This review will walk everyone through my initial thoughts of DirectAdmin and some of the great things I have been able to accomplish with this hosting opportunity since getting into it. 

Now this is the first I have used DirectAdmin and I am honestly very impressed with the panel as a whole. It is snappy and responsive on all of my devices from my MacBook down to my iPhone. I am able to login and manage the hosting anywhere in the world. As a power users, I value security and one thing that I noticed when I first logged in was the ability to set up Multi-Factor Authentication and as a frequent flyer of this security protocol I was very happy to see that this was an additional layer of security offered in the panel.

The features I am really enjoying are the FileManager, SQL Database Manager and the PHP Version Manager. These systems are very similar to the interfaces found in cPanel, but they don't come with some of the bulk that cPanel has in some of their interfaces. 

- File Manager - The manager is very responsive and intuitive once you get in there and start playing, one thing I think that could be improved on is syntax highlighting, you currently do not have any syntax highlighting in the default text editor in File Manager. I do not think that it is something that @phoenixwolf is able to implement, but that being said text is legible and there is not any lagging when it comes to entering text.

- SQL Database Manager - The system is super sleek and easy to create a database and PHPMyAdmin is my favorite GUI based manager so I have absolutely no critiques for this feature.

- PHP Version Manager - Now this system is almost identical to that found in cPanel you can quickly add PHP Packages and modify your PHP Version with a few clicks of your mouse. One thing that I noticed is that when selecting a PHP Package the check box does not automatically say selected. You must refresh the page to confirm that that Package has been enabled.

My goals:
Now with this opportunity, I am hoping to continue the development of my CMS. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to develop software with the limited storage that way the software is optimized for smaller hosting packages so more developers and web admins have the ability to use my solution! Development is underway with a new framework and I cannot wait for you guys to see it!

Once again, thank you @phoenixwolf I cannot wait for you to get this into the hands of more customers and I am excited for what the future holds!
Thank you to CubeData and Posts4VPS for the services of VPS 8.
(01-08-2021, 03:33 PM)tbelldesignco Wrote: My goals:
Now with this opportunity, I am hoping to continue the development of my CMS. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to develop software with the limited storage that way the software is optimized for smaller hosting packages so more developers and web admins have the ability to use my solution! Development is underway with a new framework and I cannot wait for you guys to see it!

Once again, thank you @phoenixwolf I cannot wait for you to get this into the hands of more customers and I am excited for what the future holds!

Excellent review @tbelldesignco and so incredibly well written as well.  I echo the thanks to @phoenixwolf as well.  Not only his contribution "in kind" but also active interest in the needs of shared hosters.

It's interesting that you should mention "optimized for smaller hosting packages" as it's something I've come across shared hosting off late. The specs have been reduced considerably for free shared hosting packages. Like a few years back we were provided with free hosting packages of as large as 5 GB disk space and more. Currently I see free packages only of 1 GB. I was totally intrigued when a host who is well known to LowendTalk - KuJoe - decreased his free hosting package to under 1 GB to 250 MB.  Then thinking about this afterwards I see sense in this, as at Gigarocket one rarely found hosted members who used more than 1 or 2 GB disk space.  Here are the specs that are on offer for KuJoe's free hosting package:

@phoenixwolf, BTW KuJoe's free hosting is also with DirectAdmin.  When I first signed up with him in 2016, he was running his free hosting off VestaCP. He was already unhappy with the license fees of cPanel at the time and exploring alternatives. That is how I landed with him, as I wanted to get experience on the user end of VestaCP.  When VestaCP ran into security issues during 2019 he started to look at alternatives for his free hosting packages and looks like he went for DirectAdmin.  I'm still on his VestaCP though but may have to change this year as he has plans to end VestaCP hosting.  If ever you want to connect up with KuJoe to share info about the ins and outs of DirectAdmin hosting, you can find him at Discord:
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
(01-09-2021, 06:12 AM)deanhills Wrote: Excellent review @tbelldesignco and so incredibly well written as well.  I echo the thanks to @phoenixwolf as well.  Not only his contribution "in kind" but also active interest in the needs of shared hosters.

It's interesting that you should mention "optimized for smaller hosting packages" as it's something I've come across shared hosting off late. The specs have been reduced considerably for free shared hosting packages. Like a few years back we were provided with free hosting packages of as large as 5 GB disk space and more. Currently I see free packages only of 1 GB. I was totally intrigued when a host who is well known to LowendTalk - KuJoe - decreased his free hosting package to under 1 GB to 250 MB.  Then thinking about this afterwards I see sense in this, as at Gigarocket one rarely found hosted members who used more than 1 or 2 GB disk space.  Here are the specs that are on offer for KuJoe's free hosting package:

@phoenixwolf, BTW KuJoe's free hosting is also with DirectAdmin.  When I first signed up with him in 2016, he was running his free hosting off VestaCP. He was already unhappy with the license fees of cPanel at the time and exploring alternatives. That is how I landed with him, as I wanted to get experience on the user end of VestaCP.  When VestaCP ran into security issues during 2019 he started to look at alternatives for his free hosting packages and looks like he went for DirectAdmin.  I'm still on his VestaCP though but may have to change this year as he has plans to end VestaCP hosting.  If ever you want to connect up with KuJoe to share info about the ins and outs of DirectAdmin hosting, you can find him at Discord:

@deanhills yes! While developing and researching I found that trying to take those factors into consideration would help draw more customers to the software and making a variant that is docker compatible that is also minified would help developers with even small VPS specs to be able to enjoy what I am trying to offer. I am looking at hosting various assets over a CDN, as JS, CSS and even images can get quite hefty on a server so being able to off load essential assets to a server/service with unlimited bandwidth might be the way to go for items such as that.

Also thank you! It took me a little longer to formulate the post, but I wanted to make sure I really had time to play and tool around with everything that way I could give constructive feedback.
Thank you to CubeData and Posts4VPS for the services of VPS 8.
(01-09-2021, 06:12 AM)deanhills Wrote: @phoenixwolf, BTW KuJoe's free hosting is also with DirectAdmin.  When I first signed up with him in 2016, he was running his free hosting off VestaCP. He was already unhappy with the license fees of cPanel at the time and exploring alternatives. That is how I landed with him, as I wanted to get experience on the user end of VestaCP.  When VestaCP ran into security issues during 2019 he started to look at alternatives for his free hosting packages and looks like he went for DirectAdmin.  I'm still on his VestaCP though but may have to change this year as he has plans to end VestaCP hosting.  If ever you want to connect up with KuJoe to share info about the ins and outs of DirectAdmin hosting, you can find him at Discord:

I have taken your advice and have requested an account. Just to see how he runs free hosting.  Thanks for the feedback.
Vladimir S. | Shared Hosting | VPS Hosting | Dedicated Hosting

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