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Pterodactyl - The Free Game Management Panel
[Image: logo-icon.png]
Pterodactyl - The Free Game Management Panel

What is Pterodactyl?

[font=Poppins, sans-serif]Pterodactyl is a free, open source game management panel which offers you many different games including but not limited to, [font=Poppins, sans-serif]Minecraft (including Spigot, Bungeecord, and Sponge), ARK: Evolution Evolved, CS:GO, Team Fortress 2, Insurgency, Teamspeak 3, Mumble. You can control all of these services from just one panel and the best part is that It's all totally free! Pterodactyl is based on docker and best choice whether you're a user, a network or a game service provider.[/font][/font]

Why Pterodactyl?

Now, why would anyone make use of our software If we had all the usual features? Well, that's not the case as first of all we are providing several features totally free which is not very easily available or made in the first place. Our software is far more capable than MCAdmin/Multicraft while keeping your wallet filled.
  • Secure - We don't just make use of over-usage encryptions such as MD5, but we make use of the latest encryption algorithms[font=Poppins, sans-serif] such as BCrypt hashing and AES-256-CBC encryption.[/font]
  • [font=Poppins, sans-serif]Themeable - We've structured our product so that It can be fully customized to your liking, using your own CSS, or the blade templating.[/font]
  • [font=Poppins, sans-serif]Docker Based - We are the first providers in the world, who are giving you an already hardened server with docker based protection, your servers are contained within docker containers, so that they cannot be intercepted by 3rd party hackers.[/font]
  • [font=Poppins, sans-serif]Free & Open Source - Pterodactyl, is unlike all the other famous panels completely free! All of our hard work is a completely open source project, you may look at it on our GitHub page.[/font]
  • [font=Poppins, sans-serif]User-Friendly - We've designed the panel to be as user-friendly as possible, every button has been placed after a hundred thoughts, we made it so easy to use that even a dumbest of the living creatures can use it with ease![/font]
  • [font=Poppins, sans-serif]Scalable - It does not matter if you own a private server, a public network, a hosting provider, our product has all the features you need! [/font]


[Image: file-edit.png]
[Image: file-manager.png]

My Experience

So often when I recommend pterodactyl to friends or anyone who might ask me which free panel he may need, they always ask me how my experience was.If you have ever searched for Minecraft control panels extensively you would know a famous free panel known as PufferPanel.This panel is created by the creator of PufferPanel. When I initially tried PufferPanel, I didn't like it. It was buggy, It often crashed my servers, hard to understand which made me reluctant to try Pterodactyl as well however I thought I'd give it a try nonetheless, and It turned out to exceed my expectation by a mile! I really liked It's smooth UI, easy to use features and somewhat similarity to the other premium panels, though I did face a few problems with the panel itself. First of all, if you do not complete all the pre requisites to actually run a server, then It won't run it ovbiously however It doesn't explain exactly what the problem is. This can be a huge annoying problem when you simply cannot figure out what you've to do! Secondly, Since the panel is based off of Docker, It poses some problems when you've to connect to another service hosted on localhost an example would be connecting to MySQL through localhost:3306 this won't work in this case simply because docker does not allow it due to security purposes. there are two ways to get rid of this, either to find the IP which docker is using to connect to localhost, or configureyour mysql to open on all hosts ( and then connect to it from the server using your public IP instead of the localhost. I was not aware of this issue when I tried it which is why I was stuck on this issue for an entire day. Thirdly, this panel is fairly new so there suppor may not answer all of the questions instantly, they do offer a forum and usually reply frequently but I wouldn't rate it the best. Afterall It is a free panel so I guess you won't expect too much from it.
Thanks to ShadowHosting and Post4VPS for my VPS 5!

Messages In This Thread
Pterodactyl - The Free Game Management Panel - by Honey - 03-19-2018, 07:52 AM

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