03-25-2018, 11:57 AM
#~ unban humanpuff69
Succesfully Unbanned user : humanpuff9
#~ ban
Invalid Argument . Usage : ban [username] [reason] [-p] [duration]
#~ ban arsalahmed786 "im forced to ban you because of the title of this thread" -p
User arsalahmed786 has been banned succesfully for permanent with reason im forced to ban you because of the title of this thread
Succesfully Unbanned user : humanpuff9
#~ ban
Invalid Argument . Usage : ban [username] [reason] [-p] [duration]
#~ ban arsalahmed786 "im forced to ban you because of the title of this thread" -p
User arsalahmed786 has been banned succesfully for permanent with reason im forced to ban you because of the title of this thread
humanpuff69@FPAX:~$ Thanks To Shadow Hosting And Post4VPS for VPS 5