04-12-2018, 01:17 PM
root@vps4:~# cd /usr/bin/
root@vps4:/usr/bin# chmod +x backup.sh
root@vps4:/usr/bin# backup.sh
Starting backup
/usr/bin/backup.sh: 23: /usr/bin/backup.sh: cannot create /home/youssefbasha/backups/mysql/ERROR2002(HY000):Can'tconnecttolocalMySQLserverthroughsocket'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'(2).sql: Directory nonexistent
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
What to do with this?
If you have discord then gimme ur username (better and faster)
root@vps4:/usr/bin# chmod +x backup.sh
root@vps4:/usr/bin# backup.sh
Starting backup
/usr/bin/backup.sh: 23: /usr/bin/backup.sh: cannot create /home/youssefbasha/backups/mysql/ERROR2002(HY000):Can'tconnecttolocalMySQLserverthroughsocket'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'(2).sql: Directory nonexistent
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
What to do with this?
If you have discord then gimme ur username (better and faster)