07-18-2018, 05:52 PM
i send you how the code looks like: code
<td class="trow1" align="center" width="1"><div class=" forum_status forum_{$lightbulb['folder']} ajax_mark_read" title="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" id="mark_read_{$forum['fid']}"><i class="fa fa-folder-o"></i></div></td>
and i don't know much about CSS :<
anyway i need to change only icon.. send me code if you can ??
<td class="trow1" align="center" width="1"><div class=" forum_status forum_{$lightbulb['folder']} ajax_mark_read" title="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" id="mark_read_{$forum['fid']}"><i class="fa fa-folder-o"></i></div></td>
and i don't know much about CSS :<
anyway i need to change only icon.. send me code if you can ??