08-08-2018, 10:32 PM
Maybe you want to dig up Tutorials section. There is so much tutorial how to install web server.
This is @deanhills tutorials: https://post4vps.com/thread-2262.html
Read it, and you will know.
Also this thread will help you: https://freevps.us/thread-21729.html
Don't forget to use Google. Digital Ocean have so many tutorial about VPS.
Maybe you want to dig up Tutorials section. There is so much tutorial how to install web server.
This is @deanhills tutorials: https://post4vps.com/thread-2262.html
Read it, and you will know.
Also this thread will help you: https://freevps.us/thread-21729.html
Don't forget to use Google. Digital Ocean have so many tutorial about VPS.