12-15-2018, 06:45 PM
(10-18-2018, 07:43 AM)Lampard Wrote: It is just fine as per the benchmarks, can't say it is impressive if its a premium virtual private server. But what matters is the consistency.
Just looked at their VPS Plans, and surely there are way better options if you are getting these benchmarks.
Thank you for your feedback. This is a beta test, so all functions and performance are being tested, and tweaked. Perry test results do not reflect the live performance that we will offer our clients.
Quote:deanhillsI have to agree with @Lampard. I checked the plans as well, and for the test results and the price I'm sure one can get better elsewhere. I'm definitely getting much better performance at HostUS for example, with a much greater variety of locations. Looks as though Bladenote (in its VPS Plans) is offering Dallas, Texas as the only location. However your test was with a VPS with location in Phoenix?
The speed test didn't look great, particularly the high ping, which would have worried me - although you say you're still getting good speed, so maybe one can overlook it.
I couldn't find a networking section in their VPS plans. When I shop around for a VPS that for me is usually a big requirement. A variety of locations to choose from and mirror IPs that I can use to check how my ISP deals with the locations.
I love your feedback. Thanks. Let me take a second ease your concerns.
Quote:"deanhillsI have to agree with @Lampard. I checked the plans as well, and for the test results and the price I'm sure one can get better elsewhere."
Like stated above. This is a beta test, so all functions and performance are being tested, and tweaked. Perry test results do not reflect the live performance that we will offer our clients.
Quote:"Looks as though Bladenote (in its VPS Plans) is offering Dallas, Texas as the only location."
At this time we only offer hosting services in Dallas. We will soon offer a New York location. We are sponsoring a vps on this forums that uses our New York data center. I believe its called VPS Plan 6.
Quote:"However your test was with a VPS with location in Phoenix?"
I am sorry but, I am not seeing where its says this VPS was hosted, in phoenix. Maybe he was talking about me, as my name is PhoenixWolf.

Quote:"The speed test didn't look great, particularly the high ping, which would have worried me - although you say you're still getting good speed, so maybe one can overlook it."
Two small things that might clear this up.
1. The vps plan that he was using only had a 100/Mbps connection. Once we are live. All clients will have a 1/Gbps uplink.
2. Speedtest can sometimes have bad results due to server connection with the test server, and how many hops it takes to get to that test server.
Quote:"I couldn't find a networking section in their VPS plans. When I shop around for a VPS that for me is usually a big requirement. A variety of locations to choose from and mirror IPs that I can use to check how my ISP deals with the locations."
We will soon have a "looking glass" page where you can test our network.