01-02-2016, 05:51 PM
(01-02-2016, 12:01 PM)RickB Wrote: Wait a second. It's hard to compare DigitalOcean with OVH. OVH is the biggest hoster in Europe, one of the biggest in the world. They are able to provide such low-price servers, but their support simply sucks. DigitalOcean is not the cheapest hoster, but I don't think there that much expensive. The support is really good (in my opinion) and since I got $100 from the GitHub Education Pack, I actually don't even pay for my server. OVH's I/O is not always that good, their old VPS platform simply had bad HDD drives. (I have no experience with their new platform). They might have improved...
DO could might as well be in the same ranks as OVH. They are somewhat big, with some huge reputation on keeping stability and maintaining that has kept them in business and popular with "Developers" for years.
If not, then I'd say more comparible to Linode.