06-19-2019, 07:33 AM
I've learned over the time from freevps.us and now at post4vps.com, that the specs could be impressive, but it's the whole VPS setup that counts in the end for a better VPS experience. I'm sure people like @Manal, who has seriously studied the whole set up from an owner and sponsor point of view knows that. Like one can have a VPS with high specs, but it doesn't feel that way when one uses it. Whereas with another VPS with much lower specs, it seems to be very fast. So one has to look far wider than just the specs, when one chooses a VPS. Most important is to be able to ping the IP to see how one's ISP communicates with the location. Then one should read previous Giveaways and look for comments on the VPS by members. Also check out the downtimes announcements and the support requests. One soon picks up on the better performing VPSs that way. When I tested VPS 15 and 16 earlier in the year, I found VPS 16 much better in performance. @Pacific Spirit also very enthusiastically supports it and has removed all limitations on resources for the best games experience. For me it's the active support by our sponsors that make the difference in the VPS experience and can some times mean more than top specs. One has to look at the total picture and more specs don't necessarily mean better and more reliable performance.