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please stop saying or thinking that Chinese are more into exotic or uncooked food
(04-20-2020, 07:30 AM)youssefbasha Wrote: I myself dont blame china/Chinese for anything but yeah there is People who do this of course you cant tell every single person not to blame china but i have a small comment here
Yes there is much but they will only remember the main reason of CoVID 19 which is only known to come from bats.
I hope this comment doesn't get removed because i really want to know how more how covid was created, is it because of the bats really or its just a word to blame china?

I don't think it has to do with "exotic", but with the poor sanitary conditions of the markets where the virus started to spread.  There was no proper supervision of the state of hygiene in the overly congested markets.  China already had lessons from SARS to watch their market standards of hygiene.  However they still continued with the bad standard of hygiene.  The virus has already been there, however it was the poor hygienic conditions of cramped and congested animals in cages that made it spread.  Whether China was responsible for creating the virus there is no proof, but the way it managed it from Wuhan onwards, now that is definitely open for debate.  I think that's what the world will put China in the dock for.  Then after that the EU, for not responding fast enough to close their airports.

But yes, back to topic of discussion (sorry if I got a bit carried away here but I don't think it's as simple as just a virus), it's not the type of produce but the state of hygiene of the markets that I feel is the reason for the virus infecting human beings to the extent it had.  Also, and maybe China didn't realize it could happen, the fact that there was no immunity of the virus in human beings, made it into something that was 2.5 times more virulent and contagious than the common cold.  So let's hope that if China is indeed innocent in the virus originating, that it at least gets its produce markets cleaned up.  Like proper sanitary standards and health inspectors supervising. Otherwise maybe there are other viruses just waiting to happen.

What is so ironic for me is all of the heroism that goes to China for being so good in containing the virus in their own country, when in effect they were the ones ultimately responsible for the virus starting for what ever reason it started in Wuhan and allowing it to spread without immediate containment.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  

Messages In This Thread
RE: please stop saying or thinking that Chinese are more into exotic or uncooked food - by deanhills - 04-20-2020, 07:42 AM

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