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please stop saying or thinking that Chinese are more into exotic or uncooked food

first of all, let me assure you that I'm not being compensated, directly or indirectly, by Chinese government, for writing all these. lol

sorry. hehe. bad joke..

anyways, here i would like to make some observations.

1) Quora is probably better moderated against fake news when compared to YouTube. But it certainly is not free of bias and in some cases, tries to avoid controversy at the cost of suppressing even valid opinions.

as an example, just write something negative about India. I'm sure you would find some negatives about India.there are huge number of Indians on quora, who will probably flock together in complaining against and usually succeed in removing it.

Quora is full of copy questions. and bad answers. many have left over these and other reasons. some went to write at other sites, like Medium.

it is not quora, but more the person's writing there and the content. only experience can guide you there.

2) i like individualism and freedom of speech and all the perks that come with them. so i never dream of settling in a place like china. even if that meant being financially better off. i put freedom over money any day.
but i must say i don't see much problems with how they are dealing with the Tibetans and Muslims and other religious fundamentalists in China. yes, i don't. any type of fundamentalism is much worse than the level of control china imposes on personal freedom. I will choose china over living in Iran, any day. it is not all oppression in China you know. there are many from other lands and even West, who move to China. much better living standards and financial condition. most of the population in China actually pretty happy with that. Or there would be much widespread discord, especially when so many Western countries are all for inspiring just that in China.

3) I don't think anyone around here is denying the possibility that the unhygienic wet markets in China might be responsible for this corona epidemic. it is where the wild meat and regular meat and live animals all get mixed up. this wild and regular and dead and live mixing and lack of health standards and hygiene is most probably responsible for the jump of this virus from some animal host body onto humans.

And the consumers are Chinese as well as may be other nationals who visit and go there.
but that does not mean china had ill intent. it could have been a case of another bad management that enabled the spread.

Though I am of the opinion that if everything remained the same except we changed the Chinese govt with most any other countries' govt, it would do much much worse at managing this. including usa and uk govt. just read past news about how they kept ignoring and later, blaming china for this. just read their responses against the timeline. read their related news headlines during that period. you will see for yourself.

also you must remember that this virus has a new weapon. infected persons become highly contagious even before symptoms show up and for longer durations ( longer incubation period and contagious during that period). yet others include its not so serious mortality and the existence of a big percentage of infected population as spreaders without symptoms.

4) read the page on zoonosis on Wikipedia. you will see many more such jumping incidents. these are big impact ones.

just think .... with this big a human population on earth, how often it must be the case when we consider the jumps that are dead ends. which means jump of a new virus onto human host without the ability to spread successfully. it happens much more often.

now think about the complexity and time factor of detection and prediction. that's huge and international traffic and trades can't be efficiently regulated depending on that. cause, as mentioned there, detection and impact prediction is too imperfect yet. can't have things suspended everytime they find a new virus infecting humans. it is not that simple ...

it is like people shouting that dropping atomic bombs on japan by usa was wrong. some say .. why two when one could have been enough and all sorts of other arguments. well, war is wrong, killing is wrong. but when in war, people and countries end up doing horrible things. that can't be analysed with peacetime logic n decision making. it is not armchair debate. just read up all the horrible things Japanese did to those it occupied. no side had any lack of horrible doings. Wars are wrong.

it might be a bit similar in this case of corona and responsibility of China. it came from China, so they must be responsible and pay for the damage .... that's absurd claim. armchair arguments again.

bad wet markets are at many other places and countries. may be it is the huge populations in China and big landmass and diversity. may be something to do with the geographical position and something about the wild animal populations. it is not like it is consumed only in China.

there are many other wild animals who don't host so many bad agents like bats. even though bats mostly eat fruits and or insects. Read why and you will know.

We can certainly demand that they put more emphasis on this. but to claim that zoonosis happens more in China, we will have to undertake a scientific study where they must use statistical methods to include effects of huge population and others conditions.

say china has 50 bad criminals involved in international rings with impact on other countries, with a total population of 500 and nepal has 1 such with a population of 2. you can't really claim that china is prone to crime and the government there is responsible. You could certainly demand they do better job anytime though.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: please stop saying or thinking that Chinese are more into exotic or uncooked food - by rudra - 04-20-2020, 05:17 PM

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