01-06-2021, 05:34 AM
Sorry for being late to the party, the issue(technically already solved) itself is not related to SSL or anything it's just recent wordpress releases stopped using the WP_SITEURL function from the wp_config file if you check correctly there won't be any string defining the WP_SITEURL so what wordpress does is basically fetch the URL from the domain config file in that case would be either HTTP_HOST or SERVER_NAME as defined in the config setting up a SSL define the SERVER_NAME to your URL/domain fetched with the certbot configs fixing the issue. While the problem is fixed the real pain beigns when migrating the wordpress to another host or domain the cached values interfere and your website ends up with lots of redirections i encountered it like two years ago when i finished setting up a wordpress based website locally and migrated it to predefined server space it ended with redirection error so what i did was just adding a new line in wp_config as it made the job easier for future migrations you can find more about this in the wordpress support article covering the wp_config here https://wordpress.org/support/article/ed...wp_siteurl
Code: (Select All)
define( 'WP_HOME', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .' );