04-02-2021, 09:06 AM
Actually the BaoTa panel experienced significant security vulnerability months before.Guess what happened?They allow you to access PhpMyAdmin without any restriction.And they have a nick for "Bug Ta".Baota is also a freenium model.The basic version is free while advanced functions requires a license.
Similar Chinese cps include appnode,AMH etc and I can say appnode is a good choice too when I was experimenting my friend's vps however the free version can only hosts 3 domains.
And BTW ,what do you think of Ajenti X?I have heard od that but never tried it out.
Similar Chinese cps include appnode,AMH etc and I can say appnode is a good choice too when I was experimenting my friend's vps however the free version can only hosts 3 domains.
And BTW ,what do you think of Ajenti X?I have heard od that but never tried it out.
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