08-31-2016, 02:49 PM
(08-30-2016, 07:33 PM)RickB Wrote: This is not a good way of measuring ping in my opinion. You don't know how your ISP routes you to your VPS. Maybe it's straight forward, maybe it makes a "relative" detour. As far as I could track my connection down to Buffalo at ColoCrossing, mine is pretty straight forward. (Although Liberty Global uses to route a lot of traffic through Austria I am the lucky one to be on the different non-Liberty AS-network :-) ) which results in a neat ping result of about 200ms.
yeah but unlike other countries, there is only one major ISP in our country ( which sucks ) so we anyone in Pakistan will be using PTCL to connect to that VPS therefore the ping test will be mostly the same for every person in Pk, PTCL has a really bad routing, I did tracert on it and almost half the time my request was still in pakistan going through different exchanges.
Code: (Select All)
C:\Users\Honey>tracert 104.168.**.***
Tracing route to 104-168-25-172-host.colocrossing.com [104.168.**.***]
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms MyRouter.Home []
2 41 ms 50 ms 41 ms
3 42 ms 42 ms 42 ms 182.176.***.***
4 54 ms 53 ms 53 ms 182.184.***.***
5 57 ms 57 ms 56 ms
6 55 ms 58 ms 55 ms static-10GE-KHI275-P01-SwB.pie.net.pk [202.125.***.***]
7 58 ms 58 ms 58 ms hi77c2-Sw494b.pie.net.pk [202.125.***.***]
8 167 ms 167 ms 166 ms gigabitethernet9-2-4.marcr2.Marseille.opentransit.net [193.251.***.***]
9 165 ms 212 ms 165 ms dns100ge14-1-0.marcr5.Marseille.opentransit.net [193.251.***.***]
10 180 ms 182 ms 182 ms hundredgige0-2-0-2.pastr2.Paris.opentransit.net [193.251.***.***]
11 315 ms 314 ms 315 ms 213.248.***.***
12 327 ms 328 ms 377 ms prs-bb2-link.telia.net [62.115.***.***]
13 323 ms 325 ms 323 ms nyk-bb2-link.telia.net [62.115.***.***]
14 320 ms 320 ms 376 ms las-b3-link.telia.net [62.115.***.***]
15 313 ms 328 ms 332 ms colocrossing-ic-317204-las-b3.c.telia.net [62.115.***.***]
16 364 ms 321 ms 331 ms colocrossing-ic-317204-las-b3.c.telia.net [62.115.***.***]
17 * * 315 ms 104-168-**-***-host.colocrossing.com [104.168.**.***]