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【Draft&BBcode TEST】Free web hosts directory [Version 0]
*This post is best rendered on a desktop device.
*Contributions are welcome but please contribute ONLY when you get this hosting.
*Best used with "in-page search function"
Legend and Formats

Name: Name of this free host.
Serveal styles might be used.
AC - Active
EOL - End of life
SCAM - Potentially Scam
R - Not all countrys accepted or with other restrictions.See Notes for details.
UT - Untested for some reason.
RS - This seems to be a reseller of another host.Not recommended.
BR - Not recommended due to bad reputation or other reasons.

Serveal styles might be used.
[color=green]AC - Active[/color]
[s]EOL - End of life[/s]
[color=red]SCAM - Potentially Scam[/color]
[color=orange]R - Not all countrys accepted or with other restrictions.See Notes for details.[/color]
[color=darkblue]UT - Untested for some reason.[/color]
[color=darkred]RS - This seems to be a reseller of another host.Not recommended.[/color]
[color=purple]BR - Not recommended due to bad reputation or other reasons.[/color]
If more than one attribute is suitable for the host,uses tags.Color usage is R>RS>BR>UT>AC. For hosts that is EOL and SCAM ,use scam color(I don' think this will happen on the same host)
For example:

Website:Nothing much to say.

Quota specs:
Disk:Disk space provided.
B/W:Bandwidth limit.
Domain:Possible situations:
  • Free subdomain
  • Need a domain(Free TLDs are OK)
  • Need a domain(Can not use Free TLD)
Other Notes:Other notes worth mentioning.

**Can sign up
VPS 3 Provided by Post4vps and Racknerd .

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