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[ADDED] Is a music category out of the question?
I concur. We have already seen some other posts about painting or movies etc, so it makes some sense to set up a separate subforum for Arts to cover all these topics including music ones.

If the admins also agree on it, the new Arts subforum should probably be located under the "General" or "Offtopic" section to begin with.

hmm, i'm neutral on this topic i'm supporting both side it would be good if there will be special board for music sharing we can make it as spam i mean post/thread of that board won't count in monthly requirement. I can share 1000+ songs daily i listen new song i'm not fan of rap like this stupid lil pump etc i love songs like R&B and pop like Zayn Malik, Taylor Swift and many other my favorite singers/artists and other side i'm also against it because this forum is to spread knowledge so we shouldn't create board like that but if we create then it shouldn't count as monthly requirement and it should be disable for guests.
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(11-28-2018, 06:01 AM)KGIII Wrote: ...correcting all the English mistakes? I'll put work in for it and earn us an Arts category!

i support arts category ! that was a brilliant idea put forth by deanhills. i think that guy thinks like a good product manager. top - bottom approach with capacity to think in general terms and get down to specifics and elaborate.

i would also appreciate if KGIII would take an english class or something or even correct my mistakes sometimes. Though I would like to mention that I do not want to get too deep in american english. 

I learnt english on my own and clearly it is not enough. I want to write like native people from uk. I am very much attracted to how bbc does it. 

and yes, once again...let us vote for an arts section guys.


edit. ir should not be a share what you listening or reading ir watching forum. it should be educational to teach and learn and share something unique and the posts should count. thats my idea anyway.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
(11-28-2018, 10:10 AM)rudra Wrote: ir should not be a share what you listening or reading ir watching forum. it should be educational to teach and learn and share something unique and the posts should count. thats my idea anyway.

You got it! You understand exactly what I'm thinking.

A place to learn, to get feedback, to share, to create, to develop, and to actually be more than just "I'm listening to this!"

No... Those types of threads mostly bore me.

I've left a couple of posts of things like I'd personally contribute. I'd be more than happy to do regular weekly threads where I open up some time to answer music questions - or even give feedback or discuss the industry in general.

The main goal is to learn something new, every day. A day without learning is wasted. It just so happens that I like discussing music, specifically from the point of a performer and recording artist.

I'm sure other people are just as passionate about other arts! I can't be the only one.
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as far back as i can remember, i have always tried to approach life differently. when it comes to music, i like our local songs and bands and oldies too. Old is gold. They say that here too. In the language that is used here ofcourse. But my habit is not to directly go against something i didnt like at the first hearing.

Even if i dont like something, i try to find out who likes it and why. what is its value to them. All the background to it. Cause during the long hours i spent thinking about all this, it had seemed to me that our likes are not absolute and they do not make us better or worse in the absolute sense. yes, to some people I may be a laugh for talking about this or liking that. But when it comes to feeling like for a song, the chemical reaction that goes on in our head during that "I like this" phase has more to do with nurture and past experiences and influences. There can not be an absolute idea about rank of songs.

I always try to keep myself open to new experiences. The songs from my younger years sound the best i know. to me. but i also know that they are not the best or worst. i am always trying to find out all the angles... see from others' points of view.

so yes. learning about music and culture of your land will be a great rewarding experience in itself...especially cause it comes from a horses mouth so to
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
My music likes and preferences change all of the time, depending where I am, what mood I am.  I'd say I like most music, but country western type music I've never really developed a liking for so far or popular pop music.  I'm crazy about the electric guitar and heavy metal music.  And the classics.  That has been reasonably constant over the years. Gary Moore stands out for sure with his Parisienne Walkways.  Instrumentals and also piano classics.  Lately I've come to like cello rock music as well.  Apolyptica is my favourite band for now.  Specifically Eicca Toppinen the lead composer.  This guy has a fantastic gift for composing music.  But it never stops, I discover someone new all of the time - or maybe not new - just I didn't know them from before.  Internet makes this magic for me, particularly YouTube.  Once you discover someone you can play on forever.  I like what they do with piano playing specifically - one gets to see the artist's hands.  Totally mesmerizes me.  So it's both an experience of the great music as well as the performer and performance. Here's a good example - Hugh Laurie in serious blues form. Saint James Infirmary. Wow!
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(11-28-2018, 11:21 AM)deanhills Wrote: My music likes and preferences change all of the time, depending where I am, what mood I am.  I'd say I like most music, but country western type music I've never really developed a liking for so far or popular pop music.  I'm crazy about the electric guitar and heavy metal music.  And the classics.  That has been reasonably constant over the years. Gary Moore stands out for sure with his Parisienne Walkways.  Instrumentals and also piano classics.  Lately I've come to like cello rock music as well.  Apolyptica is my favourite band for now.  Specifically Eicca Toppinen the lead composer.  This guy has a fantastic gift for composing music.  But it never stops, I discover someone new all of the time - or maybe not new - just I didn't know them from before.  Internet makes this magic for me, particularly YouTube.  Once you discover someone you can play on forever.  I like what they do with piano playing specifically - one gets to see the artist's hands.  Totally mesmerizes me.  So it's both an experience of the great music as well as the performer and performance.  Here's a good example - Hugh Laurie in serious blues form.  Saint James Infirmary.  Wow!

If I'm asked silly questions, like what my favorite band is or what my favorite song is, I tell people that the answer is subject to change at a moment's notice.

I don't really have a favorite.

I will say that there is some sadness involved in being a professional musician. For the most part, some of the joy of listening to music has gone. It's a chore. It's work. I can't not listen to it and analyze it. I can't not watch a video and look for flaws. I can't really appreciate music like I used to.

That's actually a heavy price that I've paid. I don't regret it, but it is how it is. I don't even really like listening to new music. It's like work. It's worse when people expect me to give my professional opinion on the work.

Sometimes, the magic is still there. That's usually fleeting. It's usually work. That's what I've paid to be where I am with music. Yesterday, I listed to Weezer's Sweater Song - 30 times. I listened to the intro another 30 times. I didn't hate the song before, but right now I hate it. I just have to have it perfected by this weekend. So, that's what I need to do.

Today, I played the entire song - 12 times. Worse... I played it 12 times in a row. (That's where I was for those hours.)

When I go on stage, I don't think about what I am playing. It's muscle memory. I'll play it another dozen times this afternoon.
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at last i think i have found someone who might understand why i stopped learning bamboo flute. it kills the fun in listening to a great piece. Before i started learning, i would imagine being deeply submerged in the tune and playing flute, oblivious to the outside. But thats not reality when you are a flute player. that is when you are imagining yourself as a flute player.

Also I stopped doing drawings. I hope someday they make a system that can play music or draw picture from what you listen in your mind or see on your mind's canvas.

I guess that might dramatically change how we practise these trades though. Also i feel very excited to dream about how it might change the outcome.

Now, as it has ever been, you need to practice drawing lines and colouring and shading etc relentlessly even though it may be true that you can see the picture vividly on a canvas before even starting to draw. This is training your hand and nervous system so you can use it to exactly express what you are seeing in your minds eye. May be the instrument will help us immensely by removing this barrier altogether. Then you can truly devote all your time to imagining better pictures and wont lose or be sorry to lose some works to errors of your limbs or whatever. even old painters or novice but imaginative sharp minds will be able to paint in no time.

but i guess the effect of using / discovering new medium will be lost on them or somehow the unique features of the new medium will be digitized fast enough and available to work with, instead of learning to do with your hands.

i dont see computers destroying our creativity by reducing menial repetitive jobs. i hope that kind of technology wont harm either...rather it might hasten and help the whole process.

same goes for music. a lot of dull sessions to accustom your body into making what you hear in your minds ear will be eliminated and help us do much better...if not magnificently so.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
Yeah, it's a pretty heavy cost. You go from loving music to sometimes hating it. I spend, on most days, at least 2 hours practicing. I then rehearse for another two hours. I do four hours of band rehearsal per week. I've done this for fifty years.

People aren't aware of the negatives. They think we're rich and we have it easy. Really, it's a job - a demanding job. It's not thankless, however. More often than not, the audience is too good to us. They (usually) make it worthwhile.
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instead of Arts/Music, a new forum named Hobbies has been created under Offtopic Forum(Posts in Hobbies would too be counted towards user monthly postcount),
after reading you all guys, This forum fits perfectly for the suggestion. If anyone has a better description then they can PM us the better version of it.

closing the Topic since the suggestion has been Accepted.

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