The owner and staff have already been most gracious in decreasing the number of
posts that were needed during September. All of us knew already a month ago that there will be a limit on the
posts made per day - if you check the date when this thread was created it was on 11 September - more than a month ago. We were duly warned and well in advance.
It's the 24th October today - including today you still have 8 days to make 20
posts. 4
posts a day is almost 25% of the total number of
posts needed. You can easily make it in the last five days of the month, if that is how you prefer to do it. Also why only the end of the month, why not do it in the first five days of the month to make sure you don't forget? Or make a date with yourself and do it every Tuesday, every Wednesday or every Sunday? Like is it really that difficult to do?
For me the ability to get a VPS is a privilege. I don't know whether you've noticed, but freevps.us isn't the only
post4vps provider that has gone under. VPS is costly, not only because of the hardware, but particularly because of IPv4. A VPS is not like shared hosting. It's something of great value and also much greater responsibility to manage on the Admin side of things. Having a Forum that is known as quality may increase the opportunity of attracting more sponsors to the Forum as well as encourage our existing sponsors to continue their sponsorship. All of this works in the favour of the members - you and I. Least we can do is make the quality
posts asked for.
I myself don't agree with the 4
posts a day maximum, however, if that is what the owner and staff think is what is needed because they want to increase the quality standard of the
posts, how difficult is it to follow this? @
Dynamo has also gone to considerable effort to fix our profiles so we can monitor the number of
posts. I think that in its own is a brilliant addition to the Forum and has added real value to our Forum.
Also, and this is a suggestion from someone (me) who have
posted for hosting for 10 years. When you
post, make sure you
post in only the Forums that are of direct interest to you and that you have thoughts about that you want to share with others, instead of
posting just to "get it over with". If you
post when you have your mind involved with the
posting and it comes from being interested in the topic, then it's much easier to make the standard of quality
posts that the owner and staff would like us to make. A bonus of this is that you will feel better about
posting for the hosting - you will be getting positive feedback from other members that will provide you with even more opportunities to
post in those Forums without even having to try to do so - everything becomes spontaneous. Once you feel good about
posting, it won't be a problem any longer.