02-06-2017, 10:09 AM
Hello Guys! today i just couldn't stop myself from sharing this image with you all. A few days ago i saw this picture and it really made me wanting to write about it and forward the message its giving to the society.
This image gives a really strong message and many things started jumping in my mind...many questions raised..
i believe that technology has taken the generation to the next level.we cannot fully blame ourselves for what we do on social media etc but sure we can blame the media and our surroundings.
Many parents avoid their daughters or sons from going to a mix school but do they know how to avoid their kids from online relations that human intend to make?
do they know what sort of relation their son or daughter is in??do they have any idea about online sexting??The answers to all these rhetorical questions are very straight forward....this image speaks alot itself so i really hope some sort of message is passed on to humankind.
it is always better to keep the relation open and clean rather then committing many sins secretly.
The day is better then the night.night is the time when all the lovers awakes,all the thieves starts their mission...
May GOD Protect all of you and your love ones.
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This image gives a really strong message and many things started jumping in my mind...many questions raised..
i believe that technology has taken the generation to the next level.we cannot fully blame ourselves for what we do on social media etc but sure we can blame the media and our surroundings.
Many parents avoid their daughters or sons from going to a mix school but do they know how to avoid their kids from online relations that human intend to make?
do they know what sort of relation their son or daughter is in??do they have any idea about online sexting??The answers to all these rhetorical questions are very straight forward....this image speaks alot itself so i really hope some sort of message is passed on to humankind.
it is always better to keep the relation open and clean rather then committing many sins secretly.
The day is better then the night.night is the time when all the lovers awakes,all the thieves starts their mission...
May GOD Protect all of you and your love ones.
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