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[CLOSED] 51st Giveaway
 17 VPSs are Available
  • 5x VPS 1
  • 2x VPS 3
  • 1x VPS 6
  • 1x VPS 8
  • 1x VPS 9 (Location: Dallas) (Note: Detailed justification needed for using large specs)
  • 2x VPS 10
  • 1x VPS 11
  • 1x VPS 12
  • 1x VPS 14 (Location:  Dallas) (Note:  Picture ID required)
  • 1x VPS 16 (Note New Mega Spec VPS Plan): Detailed justification needed for using large specs)
  • 1x VPS 18
The giveaway will remain open until Thursday, 5th of December.  The winners will be announced on 6th of December.

For comparing the VPS Specifications, Users can check,3,8,6,8,...2,14,16,18

  • Users must read and agree to all terms of the provider (of the VPS which they want) when they apply.  These can be found on our Plans Page.  
  • When you apply, please let us know your preferred OS and the Domain you will be using with the VPS.
  • For VPS Plans belonging to @HostDoc (VPS 13 & 14), users have to verify their personal details by providing a photo ID which has the same name, address & phone number as mentioned in your VPS request thread.  You can either post this directly at your VPS request thread or PM the giveaway manager your ID Card as a proof. We will remove the ID card from our database once it has been verified. If you have any other way of proofing your details legitimately please let us know.

Please Read before Applying
  1. Read Our Forum Rules before applying.
  2. You should have met our minimum requirements to get VPS.
  3. Read Application Format before applying. (If the application format is wrong then your Request will be rejected)
  4. You must post your VPS application in VPS Request Forum.
  5. Read TOS of VPS providers before applying.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Well it's the 51st Giveaway. Amazing job Post4VPS team! It's a grand occasion. It's the next Giveaway after the golden jubilee of Post4VPS. And as always, Dean is punctual.

17 incredible VPSes. And the one Jordy has sponsored of late, is the biggest attraction. The guy who wins it will be lucky. Wink I'd recommend the applicants to go for VPS 9 if your project requires competent specs. I dunno who gets VPS 16 as there will most probably be hell lot of applicants. VPS 8 also has good specs, so it may serve a medium to large project (ofc you've to abide by the sponsor's terms, especially the zero tolerance policy). Whatever it is, best of luck to all the applicants! Smile
Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
Every month the giveaway is getting more and more interesting!
This month we are blessed with 17 amazing VPS. I am sure that VPS 9 and VPS 16 will be the most requested!
They are amazing VPSes but I want to remember you all that we are talking about unmanaged VPSes, so be sure to have a strong knowledge of Unix-like system to properly use them.

Once again, I hope you all will get your desired VPS. Good luck!

Regards, Lightdestory.
Thanks to Post4VPS and Bladenodefor VPS 14
Another big giveaway! Especially we start to have a new giant VPS 16 for this round.

I am also wondering who is going to get the last VPS 9 available. Smile

Good luck to anyone applying for either of them.

Another great giveaway with great VPS's. Best of lucks everyone who are applying.
I am very exicitied for the result. There are two great VPS's

Thanks to Post4VPS and Hostlease for their great services.  
The 51st Giveaway has ended. The most exciting part of the Giveaway of course was VPS 16.  We had four particularly worthy and very experienced applicants who also provided excellent justification for a VPS with such high specs.  But one did stand out and unfortunately we could only give VPS 16 to one winner:

VPS 16 - @"Hidden Refuge"
VPS 18 - @youssefbasha

Thank you again to @Pacific Spirit for providing us with a VPS of such awesome specs.

The majority of those who applied for VPS 16 didn't provide a second VPS, hence the low number of VPSs that were given away during this competition.

There was one application for VPS 8, however the applicant wanted to use the VPS for Games Servers with large number of users.  Cubedata has a zero tolerance policy, and we were concerned that the use would be guaranteed to lead to the kind of spikes in traffic that would have led to suspension by the sponsor, such as experienced the last time round.  After the last suspension, the sponsor particularly requested post4vps to be ultra careful with the selection of users and to ensure that they are mature users of a kind that won't create large traffic on the VPS of the kind that will trigger instant suspension by him and his zero tolerance policy.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
lockThread Closed 

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