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[CLOSED] Tenth Giveaway
Tenth Giveaway is so awesome, new sponsors by mr. @perryoo11 and virmarch. Hoping I can swap my VPS to try them.
Hello Guys,
We recently got to know that the sponsor of VPS 9 is providing us a client SolusVM account, so for VPS 9 (all who are applying for it) you need to inform a Operating system too in your request, and in later times if you need to do any re-install of OS or any stuff which can be done only by panel then you can PM any of our Admins to do it for you.

According to them They were doing this to prevent resource abuse..  anyways here is the list of OS for VPS 9:
CentOS 5 x86
CentOS 6 x64
CentOS 6 x86  - Clean install
CentOS 6 x86 Minimal
Centos 7 64bit Minimal
Debian 6.0 x86
Debian 7 x86 + Mumble  - Debian 7 clean with Mumble server ready.
Debian 7.0 x64  - Debian 7 x64 Clean
Debian 7.0 x64 Minimal
Debian 7.0 x86 Minimal
Debian 8.0 x64
Debian 8.0 x86_64 Minimal
Runescape OS v1  - Ubuntu 14 LXDE with NoVNC and Java pre-installed for RS
Runescape OS v1 x64  - Ubuntu 14 LXDE with NoVNC and Java pre-installed for RS
Ubuntu 12.04 x64  - 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 clean install
Ubuntu 14.04 x64 Minimal
Ubuntu 14.04 x86  - Default, clean install
Ubuntu 14.04 x86 w/VNC  - UP-TO-DATE VERSION W/ VNC
Ubuntu 14.04 x86 w/VNC MC  - Minecraft server on desktop -- Advanced VPS plans only.
Ubuntu 15.04 x86_64 Minimal  - Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) -- Minimal
Ubuntu 15.04 x86_64 Non-minimal
Ubuntu 15.10 x86_64 Minimal
Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64


Wow, this giveaway is awesome Big Grin A couple of the VPS looks really good. Good luck to all those who applied.
Hello Guys,
well i'm pretty disappointed to see that most of the request for VPS 9 are not worth, guys you don't need that VM for website(s) hosting, trust me you don't, please give me some convincing reason, trust me i'd love to give you this VPS but i need some good reason, i also want to tell you that anyone holding vps-hosting VMs VPS 3/6 will now get a panel to control your VPS i built, you can call it Post4VPS Panel V2 or better i call it HSRTech CatC panel V1 (i know i need a name :p lol) anyways anyone who want to see the panel whether you owns a related VM or not just ping i'll provide you

today will be last day so any last minuters should get pace their request Up
(07-10-2016, 01:32 PM)Rishabh Jain Wrote: today will be last day so any last minuters should get pace their request Up

Hope, although my reason is not the strongest one, I will be able to get one of the precious VPS 9s :-)
Giveaway is closed, winners will be posed tomorrow
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lockThread Closed 

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