03-22-2020, 03:30 PM
(03-22-2020, 12:51 PM)fChk Wrote: > For those wondering how it feels to do the COVID-19 test, check this video:
Haha @fChk. Wow! Doesn't sound like a good experience at all when you see the video like that. Especially when they stick though Q Tips up your nose.
What would be awesome if they could sell those test kits and one can do the test oneself instead. They could then drop the test kit off at one's home address or one could pick it up/buy it somewhere. Guess that's a bit idealistic though.
Today, our Sunday Paper was full of Corona Virus articles and reports, and also an interview with someone who has been through the experience. One of the things he said completely grabbed me as being true. One should not fear the virus as much as fear the spreading of it - which is where the focus should be. It's the spreading of it that is more of an issue than getting it. He was one of the very first cases, and had to wait in a doctor's waiting room to be tested for Corona, even when he had told reception he had symptoms. We've come a long way from that time. Now suspected cases are strongly discouraged from going to any medical center. They have to phone their doctor, or a national Corona phone number instead.