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We are gonna meet the same fate.
We are gonna conquer that thing.
I really don't care...not my are of concern!
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Gonna meet the same fate as dinosaurs?
Hello everyone,

I really wish we'd had a 'Science' section in the forum coz this post is suited there. Never mind, this is the General Forum and I considered posting it here. 

So I've subscribed to a famous science newsletter and I'd been getting these alerts over the past few days. I considered sharing it because I feel it is a global issue and everyone has rights to express their opinions about this. Just google about it and you will find that two asteroids came really close to Earth while flying past the planet yesterday. The first one was at a distance of one million kilometers whereas the other one flew past Earth at merely one million kilometers! NASA says that any NEO  (i.e., a Near-Earth Object) is potentially hazardous if it comes closer to the planet than one million kilometers. This was really amazing! Refer to this article:

I hope you guys know how did the dinosaurs go extinct. 65 million years ago, a massive asteroid hit the Earth. Now the dinos died not because the asteroid hit them directly, but it generated so much dust particles that subsequently the Earth was covered by dust clouds and sunlight was nowhere to be seen. This initiated the Ice Age during which the dinosaurs became extinct.

Now, there is a reason behind my illustrating this incident. The two asteroids that passed Earth yesterday weren't safe at all. Scientists say that there are a lot of forces acting on those particles which may deviate them from their path towards our planet. It's a definite possibility!

There's one more thing to be added. A decade from now, on Friday, April 13, 2029, a large asteroid will fly past our planet. That asteroid, called Apophis, stretches about 1,100 feet (340 meters) across and will pass within 19,000 miles (31,000 kilometers) of Earth's surface. You can read the full article here.

Now the website I quoted may say that the thing is safe and its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the scientists, however, in reality, it isn't so. If you read what I've written previously. the asteroid will pass at 31000 km. That's a damn unsafe distance... in fact, NASA has already declared that it's a source of great worry for the human race at large. It will be seen by the naked eye at the South pole. There's no guarantee that the asteroid will fly past Earth. It's bigger than the great pyramid of Egypt and the gravitational forces and other effects do play a role. Research is on in full swing on how to destroy that asteroid if the need arises too, coz at present we, unfortunately, don't have that technology.

So guys now its time for yall to express your opinion. What do you think? Will the asteroid hit the Earth and lead to another Ice Age that will wipe out human civilization. Or at that time we will be so technologically advanced that we'll be able to destroy that damn mass. Vote the poll and express your views on the comments section. Looking forward to reading your replies and a great discussion.

Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
Well, do we have the power to defense ourself from asteroid impact?
Nuclear missile? We can try destroying it but we will only creates little pieces of it that will fall on us.
Can we change its trajectory? Who know.

If it will happen, that will be a natural thing. We think of that event as a disaster, but only because it will affect us alongside others lifeform. It will not kill every life form and it will not destro the planet, we are here, alive, after the big event of the far past that killed dinos.
Human kind is the wrost lifeform that could live on Earth, we are literaly destroying our planet, we act as Earth is owned by humans, we erase everything useless to us, we kill everything can harm us, we get everything we want without thinking about side effects to the other lifeform.
And knowing how much destructive Human can be, we are looking to a new planet, slowly research is trying to observe space.
Currently we only think about money and our own living, we do everything for that and If our actions damage the planet the main thought is "I will be already dead when things get worsen".

So... What will do a major damage to Earth? An asteroid or Human kind?
Thanks to Post4VPS and Bladenodefor VPS 14
i too think that is the biggest threat that can wipe us out or literally send us back couple of centuries, along with another world war or a super volcano.

but a 400 or 500 meter one ? naah.... even a dino killer wont wipe humans now. we will not be able to destroy big asteroids on its track any day soon. or change course. but we will survive ...smaller than 50m dont land. two or more digit km ones are
so very rare and the bigger they are the surer their fate of being caught by jupiter and others. they are our safety net.
in between, we will survive. cause it wont melt earths crust etc.

i think we should be more afraid of our own negligence of everything around us.
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Agreed with @rudra and @LightDestory.  I think humans have done such an excellent job of destroying themselves and their environment already - causing so many species to come to an end.   The threat of an asteroid for me pales in significance to the horrible self-destructive path humans are on at the moment all based on greed, mismanaged Governments, corruption, wars, like maybe a good old asteroid will be a blessing to every one.  It will at least take care of the overpopulation of the earth.
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If im not wrong those thing will not kill people but will radiate a really powerfull electromagnetif that can make all electronic and technology useless . Even guns will be useless and we will comeback to stone age
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Yeah @deanhills, @rudra, @LightDestory. Agree with all of you guys. I realize how inhumane behavior are 'humans' inflicting on the other species. You know what - we humans don't know how to coexist. We're very selfish. We've forgotten that this Earth is not only ours. We belong to the Earth, Earth doesn't belong to us. We aren't used to the concept of sharing existence. For instance, everyone opts for shared hosting nowadays for normal websites in comparison to dedicated hosting, however we want dedicated space for ourselves on the Earth, which we share with millions and millions of other species, again with millions undiscovered. Where is this gonna end? Unless realisations dawn on humans, nothing positive can happen. As it is said, it's never too late to do the right work, we still have a chance. However, that's limited to only a few more years, after which unless miracles happen, there shall be no chance of improvement, even that it's the most obvious thing then.

Having said all this, I feel I've gone to far to the extent of skeptical criticism, so let's cool the situation. My post isn't to suggest that no action is being taken in this regard. In this context, I'd like to highlight a steaming hot development in this area. On Sunday, Modi Government launched a massive tree plantation drive and has made provisions so that this is implemented even in the remotest corner of the country. In New Delhi, circulars were sent to all schools including ours, making it a must for students to participate in this endeavor. So yesterday our principal launched a new club in the school known as the 'Bosco Green Allaince' which will cater to these interests. I'm a proud core member of this committee.

To sum up, I'd like to say that this should be transformed into a global effort and an international (preferably UN) conference, should be held to implement this, and each country should participate. Let's start this revolution, by taking a vow to plant a sapling near our house.

Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
(08-29-2019, 04:27 PM)sohamb03 Wrote: Having said all this, I feel I've gone to far to the extent of skeptical criticism, so let's cool the situation. My post isn't to suggest that no action is being taken in this regard. In this context, I'd like to highlight a steaming hot development in this area. On Sunday, Modi Government launched a massive tree plantation drive and has made provisions so that this is implemented even in the remotest corner of the country. In New Delhi, circulars were sent to all schools including ours, making it a must for students to participate in this endeavor. So yesterday our principal launched a new club in the school known as the 'Bosco Green Allaince' which will cater to these interests. I'm a proud core member of this committee.

To sum up, I'd like to say that this should be transformed into a global effort and an international (preferably UN) conference, should be held to implement this, and each country should participate. Let's start this revolution, by taking a vow to plant a sapling near our house.

Great initiative @sohamb03 - but aren't we having those international environmental conferences and global think tanks anyway? It's a very popular theme for those trying to be elected or trying to stay in power - but doing much too little - like barely denting the huge task of tackling environmental issues. Like I haven't seen any of those global initiatives tackling the huge overpopulation of the earth, that for me is the biggest problem of mankind. Too many people and a total unhealthy distribution of the resources. You get individuals with billions of dollars in their accounts controlling and mismanaging the steadily growing scarce assets of the earth.  

Here in the city I'm living in they have similar urban initiatives to the one you mentioned in New Delhi - I think they're all over the world. The Dutch, which is one of the most heavily populated countries due to their shortage of space to live in provide an excellent example of what can be done with greening populated environments.  The local Government here in my city donates a piece of land, and then locals can apply for getting a tiny plot to put some greens in it.  It's actually cool, it does do its contribution, but for me it again pales against allowing citizens at the same time to use so many disposable coffee cups, plastic take away containers, mass pollution of the city, like the city can't keep up with all of the rubbish that is being generated.  My stomach literally turns over when I use the public transit system with humans eating - more like chowing and guzzling down plastic food - that is probably going to create the future chronic diseases that the local health system can barely cope with.  Again, this is happening as a result of greed.  Mismanaged Government.  Corruption.

There are so many homeless living on the streets.  And populating the parks around here.  Some are genuine cases of unable to afford the local housing that is basic unaffordable for your lower income and no income groups. Again a consequence of allowing the real estate market to get to this point - no doubt Government officials are looking the other way while they are profiting themselves from lucrative local real estate developments and also the rates and taxes that are payable on those very expensive properties. But others are just humans who have given up, or fell out of the minimum wage job market.  It's a tough society for any person to survive in.  Again, though, in my opinion since they are also generating lots of waste, including human waste, this is contributing to a public health hazard as well.  Local Government is allowing border line mental patients to be discharged from overpopulated Government mental homes.  They can't look after themselves, so are at the mercy of those providing them with a few coins, or some of the soup kitchens that good people are setting up to feed them with.  Worst part is that they are released without meds, or the ability to take the meds as per the prescriptions, so all kinds of issues develop, including abuse of drug use, theft and break-ins to get hold of meds, etc.  Like one bad public health issue leading to another and complete social degradation.

I welcome the asteroid!   Tongue
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Quote:I welcome the asteroid!   Tongue

Well, If something doesn't change soon I will agree with you.
I am very pessimistic about the "change", humans are able to set fire on Amazon forest, we KILLED the most important biologic space of the planet (I am not special, I am human too, so I used "we"). Do we have the right to live on this planet? I am not a crazy person but I think that if I could catch the ones that have set the fire, I could be denounced for "inhuman treatment" against them. But can we call these "dangerous" lifeforms, human?
Yes, that is the human behavior since our existence. We are dangerous, we know that lifeforms can't beat us in anyway if we decide to do something.

You can think: "We are not all dangerous, only few are like that. I am not the same." 
Well, why the Amazon forest got in fire? 
The government changes the penalties for that crime.
Why we can't operate to save the Amazon forest?
We can't operate on other government land.

Who created government, who privatized lands? 

Our creation are affected by the same problems: corruption.
As I said, our main thinking is about money and our own living.

We can think the Asteroid as a cure to a very dangerous illness of our planet: the parasite knows as "human being". 
Thanks to Post4VPS and Bladenodefor VPS 14
(08-29-2019, 02:19 PM)rudra Wrote: but a 400 or 500 meter one ? naah.... even a dino killer wont wipe humans now. we will not be able to destroy big asteroids on its track any day soon. or change course. but we will survive ...smaller than 50m dont land. two or more digit km ones are
so very rare and the bigger they are the surer their fate of being caught by jupiter and others. they are our safety net.
in between, we will survive. cause it wont melt earths crust etc.
Pretty much it's not of that diameter. It's a one kilometer giant asteroid. That's good enough to engulf a portion of the Earth where it strikes. Also, it will cause so much turbulence that it can start another Ice Age on the Earth which will be the cause of human extinction rather than the strike itself.

Moreover, it's not too be said that the idea of an asteroid destroyer isn't feasible. It's still a decade from now. You tell me to what extent science has made advancement in the past decade. Let's take an example - the very phone from which I'm posting this. Did you own a smartphone back in 2009? At least, none of my family members did. Let's go another decade back. Did you own a mobile back in 1999 (rather 1997) would be more appropriate. The essence of this is that a lot of devotion is being given to get a solution to this. Hence, it's never impossible that we can't have that technology which would be needed to destroy a massive asteroid.

As for the split particles, that question was raised in a NASA press conference. The officials said that scientists are debating over it and we'll have a definite solution to it in another year or so.

@humanpuff69: As I've said earlier too, the possibilities extend not to Stone Age, but the complete extinction of the human race as a direct result of the induction of another Ice Age, here on this planet.

@deanhills: It was very heart touching the way you wrote about the plight of the people there. However, that's the same condition here in India. We have innumerable number is people sleeping on the roads. As I'd says earlier in a previous post too, some people aren't able to afford there meals a day, some not even two and others starve to death. You see children not able to go to government school as they cannot afford a one time fee of hardly $1. All other articles are free, including uniforms, books and meals but the fact that they weren't given education since childhood. They work in tea stalls, you know. I think I needn't talk of beggars, you know their plight.

There are indeed various government schemes, which even upholds the right of an individual to a minimum living space but the fact is that the majority of mass are illiterate, so unaware of them and lack the basic knowledge of how to apply for these schemes.

You see there's Tata Hospital in Mumbai, where cancer patients are treated. Annually, thousands of cancer patients from so over the country come for treatment there. However, the beds are limited. Thus the people who don't get admission lie outside the hospital in a park. They live and sleep there, which eventually leads to incidents of murders and rapes. All aren't poor there, there are wealthy people also, but their wealth is just not enough to allow them to have treatment abroad.

You know it deeply pains me when I see old people begging. It's not that I'm not charitable....I do give them what I can but I know that's not enough to satisfy even their basic needs. But you see I'm bound by the same constrains they face - financial - just that their constraint is even worse than me. Can't really help it!

General for all: My views on this topic, is that whatever be the conditions prevelant right now, it's never a solution to have mass butchering of people. I do agree that all of you are stressing in the fact that humankind is the one which is destroying nature, but just ponder over the following sentences of mine. You know how old the human civilization is. At each stage, we've been developing. And it's still going on - great intentions are being made, it very in Chandrayaan 2 was launched. Developments are ever pervading, and go on at full swing every time.

Thus, if the Ice Age really starts on Earth a second time, we'll all die. Just to sum up, if that day really awaits us, then everyone will die if cold - be you a millionaire or a beggar. That's when we'll all be equal, when we do meet the ultimate fate.
Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!

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