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Goodbye Post4VPS
Hi, It's Arsal Ahmed Global Moderator of Post4VPS since May 2018.

I'm taking a break. So administrator team can remove from modetator if they want, But i might be active soon again.
Since last 3-4 weeks i'm not as active as i used to be. So many problems in life.

I'm requesting giveaway manager (@deanhills) to cancel my new VPS 8 (sponsored by CubeData) i haven't used it once only reinstall OS and didn't even use it, I know it's not right way to cancel VPS but if you get time do it or i will drop it this month.

As i said i might be back very soon maybe in a week and obviously i don't wanna lost my rank, But i can't say just hope life get better.

Thanks to all sponsors and members.
Hope to see you guys soon, Bye!
Best Regards,
Global Moderator of Post4VPS 

It is sad to hear and say goodbye like this.

But I guess if you might be back very soon (maybe in a week?), you might not have to so rush make this decision today.

I respect your decision though. Just hope that you will really be coming back soon. Smile

Farewell for the meantime. Smile

Enjoy your break. Sort out your RL problems. Once you feel better just join in again.

You're always welcome and I guess staff would say the same about joining the moderator ranks again.
[Image: zHHqO5Q.png]
(09-11-2019, 03:18 AM)tryp4vps Wrote: It is sad to hear and say goodbye like this.

But I guess if you might be back very soon (maybe in a week?), you might not have to so rush make this decision today.

I respect your decision though. Just hope that you will really be coming back soon. Smile

Life is unpredictable, I'm going to inactive that's what i know but when will back that's is complicated, Maybe it take a week or a month or even more. But the point is to create this thread to report to the community that i'm off-duty so i can't check posts, neither post for my own VPS.

Kick me from moderator or don't it's upto administrator team. Best of luck for your future plans mates. Cya soon, If i didn't died.

(09-11-2019, 05:02 AM)Hidden Refuge Wrote: Farewell for the meantime. Smile

Enjoy your break. Sort out your RL problems. Once you feel better just join in again.

You're always welcome and I guess staff would say the same about joining the moderator ranks again.

Probably they would say, OR don't i guess @deanhills is one-man-army. But we shouldn't let me hold all the weights. Good luck P4V.
Best Regards,
Global Moderator of Post4VPS 

Hey @arsalahmed786,

Thank you so much for your effords, i have changed your tag to retired staff i hope you would still check on post4vps.
I wish you the best and hope your journey turns good for you.

besides: if you wanna discuss about your role feel free to contact us.

For me your always welcome to return!.

thank you!,
Hey @arsalahmed786
Thanks for helping me and everyone at the site.
I really appreciate your work!
Good luck in your IRL problems and hope you can come back soon
@arsalahmed786: It's really sad to see you make such a farewell. I have seen some great posts from you although we're introduced for a very short time.

Nevermind, as you say, life is in fact unpredictable. I understand that with my own life too. My RL problems are also too many but I feel posting on this forum, helping people on HelioNet, designing websites relieves me from my day to day grievences.

On one hand, today I was declared the President of SynTech, our school's IT club. That's a great joy for me. Somehow I feel it got diluted, with this post of yours.

Anyways, I shall remain optimistic and I strongly hope you'll be back soon and we'll again have a great time together posting, competing for VPSes and above all, in the process acquiring knowledge. That's our ultimate goal.

For now, nothing much to be said, but only one thing - ADIEU!

Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
(09-11-2019, 05:02 AM)arsalahmed786 Wrote: Kick me from moderator or don't it's upto administrator team. Best of luck for your future plans mates. Cya soon, If i didn't died.

Hey man! You're not dying. You might be facing emotional issues in real life so is everyone in here. You're not alone. It's quite sad to see you leave but no worries! You really need a break. You can comeback anytime soon Heart
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Well, I can't say much because I have joined this community last month and so I didn't get the time & chance to know you better. But I can say that it is sad moment because we, as post4vps community, are losing a member.

I hope that you will be able to solve the problems on your life and come back with us better than before!

Thus, I will not say you farewell, but see you again!
Thanks to Post4VPS and Bladenodefor VPS 14
(09-10-2019, 09:47 PM)arsalahmed786 Wrote: As i said i might be back very soon maybe in a week and obviously i don't wanna lost my rank, But i can't say just hope life get better.
I'm completely perplexed by this thread.  Like did any one read the OP?  I didn't see anything in it that said @arsalahmed786 is leaving.  He said he was taking a break, and may be back IN A WEEK'S TIME!!!!!!! And it looked as though he's happy with his rank as Global Moderator. Why does he have to have a retirement tag for one week's absence?

@arsalahmed786 I find it awesome and a wonderful example of responsibility and good manners to let us know you're not going to use your VPS. Like exactly how a Global Moderator should behave. How many members have there been at post4vps (even Admin) who just drop their VPS and stop posting, and they're gone for months, and then all of a sudden back again without a whisper of an apology.  You're setting an awesome example here.  And so OK, we'll power down VPS 8 - are you sure you wouldn't want to use it once you return in a week's time?
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
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