12-22-2015, 06:31 PM
Hiya guys, Gonna teach ya'll how to create a garry's mod server on a Ubuntu VPS.
1. Create a User & Login
2. Download the Install Script
3. Make it Executable.
4. Run the Installer
5. Follow the on-screen instructions
Commands you can run:
1. Create a User & Login
Code: (Select All)
adduser gmodserver
Code: (Select All)
su - gmodserver
2. Download the Install Script
Code: (Select All)
wget http://gameservermanagers.com/dl/gmodserver
3. Make it Executable.
Code: (Select All)
chmod +x gmodserver
4. Run the Installer
Code: (Select All)
./gmodserver install
5. Follow the on-screen instructions
Commands you can run:
- ./gmodserver console - Opens the console prompts you for a Y/N answer, Press ctrl+d to exit
- ./gmodserver restart - Restarts the server
- ./gmodserver start/stop - Starts and stops the gmodserver
- ./gmodserver update - Logs into SteamCMD and updates the server to the latest version
- ./gmodserver details - Gets the Important server details.