06-09-2016, 05:59 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Joey aka Prodigy. I am a 18 years old php enthousiast and love to play around with scripts (or codes made in other languages such as C++, C#, JAVA, etc.). The reason I came by here is because I simply am bored, I don't need the VPS's but love to be with other guys who are more experienced with servers than me (just a beginner, now im getting used to play around with the admin panel of virtualizor, how to add nodes and how ip's really work). Also im busy creating two projects. 1. A custom search engine (that stuff is hard you either have to make your own backend with crawlers/spiders or have to use a api from Google/Bing/Ask for example. ). 2. A all in one solution for VPS providers using the virtualizor API or any other api for virtualization.
Well this is just a little text about me (I think im more complicated than this haha), hope to speak any of you guys soon
Well this is just a little text about me (I think im more complicated than this haha), hope to speak any of you guys soon