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Opinion on iPhones
Hello there,
I was actually just going through the shoutbox where i actually saw a discussion going through of iPhone repair and stuff, So thought i should open up a thread for it.
So, I'm not actually a huge fan of iPhones actually i don't hate it, I actually like the iPhone 11 Pro Max and iPhone X!
Talking about the old models like 6 - 6s , 6s+ , 7 and 8.
There are things which are good there are things which are not that good. 

1. Battery : Battery in old models is way too less. In iPhone 8 is maximum of 1821 mAh, There was one time like my friend had is 4G on without opening any apps while i had 4G on my mobile which is a Huawei Y5 like my battery went from 90 85 while his iPhone 8 straight went to 97 to 51. 

2. Pricing : Pricing are still high for even older models. The parts even are expensive, I went to buy a charging cable from a shop for my brother, It costed mee thrice than the price of a android cable. 

3. Repair : Repairing of an iPhone in Pakistan (Not sure of Other Countries) cost as much as buying a new phone itself literally. 

Well coming on good things i would firstly say the camera even the older models like 6s+ camera picture quality is way better than some of the latest i would say phones like OPPO (not talking SAMSUNG or any huge but yeah in some cases).

Second thing is the performance in my personal experience i have not much seen iPhone hanging especially with 2GB of RAM, The performance is smoothness is quite nice though!

Looking to hear your opinion on iPhones in your country!
Thanks to ReadyDedis and Post4VPS for the amazing VPS 7!

Long long time ago, even before I has my frist ever smart phone (just like 5-6 years ago) I was using an Apple Tab at office. I was not happy with it. I had few problems like couldn't open some file formats. Personally I don't think I would buy an iPhone because I can't justify the price compared to what it offers. It doesn't mean its a bad phone just I can get most out of from a phone which cost me less than third of it's price. For example, right now I'm using a Redmi 9 phone which I bought for about 140 usd in August. Camera sux but everything else work great! no lag, over heating or any other problems so far. I know iPhones are known for their quality camera and superior sound quality. But will you spend what they ask just for that? I guess some would do since thats what they want.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

So I live in Kansas City in America which is beginning to be one of the technology hubs of the States, so we are getting 5G and some of the newer technologies about the same time folks in California and NYC are getting them. I have been using an iPhone since the iPhone 3GS and I jailbroke it to work on my T-Mobile service I had at the time, then jumped over to Verizon when the iPhone 4 came out with a 4G/LTE variant. I have always loved iPhone because of the security and cameras that came with them, I do understand that some android handsets have incredible cameras and battery life too, but with my 11 Pro Max being used for both my daily driver and a development phone and the smart battery case I get about a day and a half out of my phone before I drop it on my wireless charger with my AirPods. In all honesty, I will probably be getting the 12 Pro Max when it is available.

Some of the cons I had over the years: I got an iPhone XR and within a few hours of owning it the screen cracked and overheated due to battery swelling, but Verizon exchanged phones no question asked. I also had weird issues with my iPhone 6s and 7+ with the call quality being absolute garbage, but I think that had to do with Verizon network upgrades and since have not had any issues with Verizon or iPhones.

I do also have a Note 10 sitting on my desk I use only for development, but I've never really had any incline to use an android phone, I think I did once with the Moto Razr in like 2012 when my iPhone 4s went through the wash, but I quickly upgraded to the iPhone 5s when it came out.
Thank you to CubeData and Posts4VPS for the services of VPS 8.
ohh you talking about the shoutbox? hehe its just me "annoying" people with questions about my iphone products. look i am a fan of apple. i am using most of their products and im happy with it. as i said in the shoutbox the iphone price is overpriced but sometimes its worth it. i have iPhone 7 since it went out i think 3 or 4 years back and here is how the damage that happened to my phone so far:
1) a year after i bought the phone. i was using a hotspot wifi and it turned off suddenly and didnt turned on back. made a factory reset. did everything i could but nothing worked. i sent it to lab and they returned it to me working with a note that said they made a factory reset and it got fixed. lies of course but atleast it worked.
2) the battery got crashed. i fell asleep on my iphone and the battery phone was completely crashed. paid alot money to get a new battery.
3) again. battery, but this time the battery got swelling. replaced it on non apple store but paid almost full price thats why i went to there. battery was fake and i had to replace the battery from them 5 times because they gave me fake one and a one that aint working. as soon as i got home the phone died and didnt turned on. i opened the phone and saw the battery is fake, i went back to the store 5 times and yelled at them until they gave me a working battery.
4)charging port. i cleaned dust with metal but didnt know that it could damage my phone. after i finished cleaning i noticed that the phone sometimes dosent get charged. 10 months later the charging port died.
5) 3 days ago. the battery that was working for a long time that they gave me was fake again. and maybe it worked for some time but now it killed my phone. i am going to ebay get a new battery and replace it myself.
okay so it sounds a lot of issues and problems and i know what you guys probably think "apple is trash, no matter what you do . the phone will keep die."
well it isnt true because if you will see above the issues i had. most of them were because of me. i didnt know how to take care of my iphone and paid for that. im not saying android or galaxy or any other phone is worse. but i am saying that apple is good enough to not call it trash but only expensive.
Thank you Post4vps and BladeNode for vps 6!!!
My main gripe about iphone is Apple CONTROL.  Right from the moment you open the phone you have to register an Apple account first.  Then Apple actually gets to control the content of your phone. If you want to update it you have to sign into your account first. I've heard horror stories about people who thought they owned the music on their phone, until Apple decided NOT.  So that is my beef number one. BIG BROTHER ownership.

Two.  I suffer from reverse snobbery.  Like for me iphone is a status symbol that those who are wealthy, or wish to be exclusive, or want to say "I own an iphone" have.  An elite type of club.  Most professionals go for iphone as I'm sure the price gives them the illusion of a "better product".  They buy into that false imagery. Professionals like it because they can marry all of their Apple devices under one wonderful Apple account. And synchronize them all.  And keep them nice and safe and secure under Apple control.  Top Apple security - mostly by keeping the owners under Apple control!  Tongue

Three.  Apple likes to get the wealthy iphone club to keep spending more money as regularly as they can regardless of the damage it's doing to the environment. New models are brought out much more frequently than really necessary, and Apple likes to make the older models redundant so as to get their loyal followers to buy into upgraded models. By forcing upgrades of the Apple OS (that are designed to work with much higher spec new Apple phones) to put extra pressure on older phone batteries.  There are some users who can keep iphones for a long while, but most of those in the snob class like to keep up with latest models.  For me it's an awesome waste of good money.  Also it contributes to massive environmental pollution with Apple hardware that are made redundant long before they should be.  If Apple is really concerned about environmental pollution and care about the purses of their loyal supporters, they will try and make sure that the OS upgrades work well with older phones as well.  But there you have it.  Apple is a very large public company that answers to hungry share holders who want Apple to make huge profits regardless.  All they care about is to get your more wealthy to spend as much money as possible.

Four.  In my experience once one has been into the freedom of Android, one can't really change to the restrictions of Apple, and also the other way round, once someone has got used to Apple, they can't change to Android - they've become too much used to living in an Apple controlled environment.

For me I prefer Android as there is much MUCH less control from Google than there is from Apple.  I can basically go right through my Android settings and do my own thing (have a choice in the matter) without Google prompting me not to do this that or the other.  There is also a much larger choice of phones than there is with iphone. You can still find Android phones with Jacks for headphones, if you wish to have that.  You can write down a list of your dream phone specs, and if you do your research long enough, you'd probably get all of the boxes ticked, even the ones you hadn't thought about, when you research all of the Android phones that are avbailable out there. Like it is much MUCH more fun.  Also, because most of the Android phones are more affordable, one can afford to have more than one phone to play with.  And if one is an app geek, one can take the phones apart, unlock them, reprogram them, and even teach oneself to develop apps.  

For me Android is a phone for developers, creators, geeks, who want to change the world, whereas Apple iphone is an exclusive and expensive "finished product" (and status symbol) completely controlled by Apple.  Right down to not being allowed to load the OS on any other device, except an Apple device. No tampering allowed. Now where's the fun then of owning an Apple iPhone?  Maybe I've missed something?  And is it really that good?  I tried it out on an experimental basis in 2016, by purchasing 2 second hand Apple phones and comparing them with an equivalent Samsung phone, and Samsung won all the way.  Particularly on battery life, but also many other categories. The moment I started using Apple I was irritated with it.  Battery was first irritation - it took a much longer time to charge than the Samsung equivalent and battery drained much faster. I took both Apple phones to an Apple authorized dealer to check the batteries.  They thought the batteries were OK, but reason they were lagging is that it was time for me to upgrade the phones.  Surprise suprise!  They suggested I visit (make an appointment) with an Apple approved dealer to trade up the Apple phones.  But most of all Apple felt so controlled and limited compared with Android.  Like for me the difference is night and day.  But OK, I guess each to their own.  Different horses different courses.  Some like Apple.  I prefer Android (for now).  For all of the above reasons.

In the end I purchased a Sony Xperia X because I've always loved Sony screens and the colors are awesome. I could afford the phone. I've been going strong with Sony Xperia X up to now and from feedback from other Sony Xperia X owners, it's the kind of phone you keep for a long while.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Well, talking about iPhone, this is where Android fanboy like to hate iPhone. I was an Android fanboy but right now not anymore, I see from my perspective to look at both phone, iPhone and Android based phone.

We all know that iPhone is a premium phone, especially if it's brand new (not talking about old iPhone as everyone can afford it if they can afford Android). With that, Apple can start to play with the users. You know the joke when Apple announce new phone they will make older iPhone get so slow? That might be a trick build by Apple so their users can move to newer iPhone. Well, every phone get slower each year, I haven't hold any iPhone though, but I do have iPad which probably 4-5 years old right now and it's so so slow but still can be used.

Moving to another aspect, I heard that iPhone batteries is bad. My friend iPhone X needed to be charged like everytime. He's a gamer so might be the reason why his battery drained so fast. My sister also have iPhone but I don't see so often they charge their phone during the day, so pretty much OK in the newer version? No idea.

After all, it's all depends in each users. Why do crazy rich usually use iPhone instead of Android? iPhone is faster than Android. I can acknowledge that. Way more faster. Crazy rich want to do their job faster and iPhone can help them. Once we talk about the price, it's back to the users. Their job may can be worth more than an iPhone.
Thanks to Limitless Hosting and Post4VPS for providing me excellent VPS 13!
My experience with iPhone is quit old. the last one is about 10 years ago a iPhone 5, and before that i have iPhone 4s. but same problem. poor battery. even when i sale just for 2 years use i charge them 2 times a day. so it is very embarrassing situation still iPhone have. battery drain too fast.
and the other reasons to switch to android is very expensive repair. and lack of mechanics for iPhones. gadget connectivity is so limited. you can not openly connect your device with PC or any other phone or handsfree etc..

once my iPhone 5s screen panel was broken i pay almost half price of my mobile to repair.
replacement battery is not exceed to 95 to 98% at full charge.
so at the end i finally conclude that iPhone is just a symbol of porche and luxury. just a trend for iconic peoples. to show off...
(10-21-2020, 10:57 PM)deanhills Wrote: Two.  I suffer from reverse snobbery.  Like for me iphone is a status symbol that those who are wealthy, or wish to be exclusive, or want to say "I own an iphone" have.  An elite type of club.  Most professionals go for iphone as I'm sure the price gives them the illusion of a "better product".  

In the end I purchased a Sony Xperia X because I've always loved Sony screens and the colors are awesome. I could afford the phone. I've been going strong with Sony Xperia X up to now and from feedback from other Sony Xperia X owners, it's the kind of phone you keep for a long while.

I totally agree with you @deanhills, In Pakistan, Literally there is a saying "iPhone is iPhone". Literally no matter how bad the phone is but IT IS IPHONE, I remember getting an in argument of iPhone and Samsung and i was stating the point that most of the samsung phones beat iphones in specification wise alot all the had to say was but "iPhone is iPhone". You cannot argue anyone whose owning an iPhone they would just ignore all the facts.

I had a dream to buy literally Sony Xperia Phones. I remember a model i believe it was a Z5, Literally i would say the camera quality and the phone itself was so amazing. I haven't heard many complaint and issues from users having Sony Xperia Phones.
Thanks to ReadyDedis and Post4VPS for the amazing VPS 7!

(10-22-2020, 09:51 AM)sAmI Wrote: I had a dream to buy literally Sony Xperia Phones. I remember a model i believe it was a Z5, Literally i would say the camera quality and the phone itself was so amazing. I haven't heard many complaint and issues from users having Sony Xperia Phones.

Hi @sAmI. When I did my research on Sony Xperia X I learned about how popular the Z series were. Like to die for. Only negative was they overheated. But possibly only for those who use the phones for heavy duty applications. I haven't had issues with overheating with the Xperia X, but haven't seen any feedback like that either. Maybe Sony got the heating problem fixed in its later versions.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
(10-23-2020, 05:04 AM)deanhills Wrote: Hi @sAmI.  When I did my research on Sony Xperia X I learned about how popular the Z series were.  Like to die for.  Only negative was they overheated.  But possibly only for those who use the phones for heavy duty applications.  I haven't had issues with overheating with the Xperia X, but haven't seen any feedback like that either.  Maybe Sony got the heating problem fixed in its later versions.

@deanhills : about 2 years ago i bought Sony Xperia Z5 Premium and you know the screen and graphics GPU is awesome. no one other still have 1M color resolution. but i sell it on very cheap price. because overheating. if i said extreme heating thin not wrong... and it has 24MP rear camera but poor focus. i don't know it is some manufacturing fault of something else but it disappointing me alot. still i love Sony picture quality. sound quality all are awesome. but sony also poor to get proper GSM signals. even at single place you just move on during call the voice are disturbed. so as a moral i thought it's only happens with my mobile still it came from UK. but i sell it on very cheap price because no market here for sony mobiles.
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