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The Dream Thread [Share your different dreams]
Hey guys! The thread is dedicated to dreams you saw that you want to share!
I'm gonna start.
In the dream:
"I am looking around the place. Which looks like a Desert. Then after a while I hear a male voice saying "Dear, what are you doing up there?". After hearing that I looked on the man and said "What I'm standing on a thing?" *Looks down and sees a wall*. *Jumps to the ground and gets up and looks* "Who are you?" *Finds nothing* "huh? where did he go?"

So Guys post your dreams that you wanna share with people in this thread. Big Grin
I have many inappropriate dreams i could tell lol. Instead I'm just going to tell you a very stressful dream: the

I wake up at 7 AM. Shit, history test! (I hate history) I didn't study for it! *Insert excessive cursing*. I get really anxious, my head hurts and my stomach turned upside down. Luckily I woke up after that.
i dreamed i had my own datacenter.
man i never need to watch youtube anymore if that happens.
i always dream this in realy life and not while im asleep. i dream that i have a really succesfull hosting company Big Grin
My dreams usually are black as night and when I do see something it is usually about video games I played before I went to bad :'(
Thank you VPSlices and Post4VPS for your beautiful VPS!

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