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[VCMP] ME - Majestic Ethical Killer's CIty
[Image: ek10.png]
This is a Vice City Multiplayer Server. In this server you can earn cash by killing each other.This server is scripted by MacTavish and the GTA5.I am not a part of the server.This server is currently in test mode.I shall be a part of staff after the server release.
Here is the Server Details

Server Name: Majestic Ethical Killer's City
Server IP:
Script Version: Ethicals 2.0
Scripter: MacTavish and GTA5
Server Forum:
IRC Channel: #ethical on LUNet

The server has many great features.We have added many custom vehicles and skins. There are many other custom things that are not in GTA Vice City.We have created a custom lift in many of the official buildings to reach at the uper part of the building. We also have created a custom radar for the server.When any player join the server there radar disk will be changed with the our server custom radar disk.There are many more custom features.................................Try it once.

Here is the server command list.
/server ( this command is used to check scripts+credits )
/forum ( this command is used to check server forum )
/wep ( to get a weapon use /wep wepname )
/buycar ( If you want to buy a car you need to use /buycar )
/sellcar ( if you want to sell a car you need to use /sellcar )
/gotoloc ( if you want to teleport to a location )
/goto ( if you want to teleport to a player )
/heal ( if you want to heal up your player )
/fix ( if you want to repair you vehicle )
/givecash ( if you want to givecash to any other player )
/deposit ( to deposit cash into your bank account )
/withdraw ( if you want to withdraw your inbank cash use /withdraw )
There are much more commands listed below.

, gotoloc, wep, team, accept, deny, cancel, buyprop, sellprop, shareprop, myprops, gotoprop, myshareprops, delshareprop, leaveteam, saveloc, goto, heal, loc, script, nogoto, eject, gotocar, mycars, mysharecars, delsharecar, eject, buycar, sellcar, sharecar, getcar cash, bank, spree, myspree stats, buyprop, sellprop, shareprop, myprops, cd, level, admins,report, fix, changepass, nogoto, givecash, deposite, withdraw, level, Race, Joinrace, Derby, JoinDerby
This server is not in masterlist What happened to server? Or closed the server forever
(05-31-2017, 08:07 PM)kabir145 Wrote: This server is not in masterlist What happened to server? Or closed the server forever

There server is not 24/7 so i guess they are offline now thatss you cant see

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