i want to show you how to install webmin+csf and lfd to manage your servers easily:
at first, login as root to your server and use these commands to update your server and install the required things in it:
then, use this command to create a repository file for webmin in yum's database:
then paste these in the file and use ctrl+x and press y to save it:
now, type this in order to install it:
webmin is now installed, it is time for csf+lfd
use this command to download csf and extract it:
switch to csf directory:
then install it by issuing this command
now, login to your webmin like this:
open your browser and go to http://server_ip:10000/
login with user root and with your root password
go to webmin configuration->webmin modules
select from local file and paste this into textbox:
select install module
finished!, now you have webmin +csf
now go to the configuration and configure your server with it!
i want to show you how to install webmin+csf and lfd to manage your servers easily:
at first, login as root to your server and use these commands to update your server and install the required things in it:
Code: (Select All)
yum -y update
yum -y install wget nano
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nano /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin
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name=Webmin Distribution Neutral
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yum -y install webmin
use this command to download csf and extract it:
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wget https://download.configserver.com/csf.tgz
tar -xvf csf.tgz
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cd csf
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sh install
open your browser and go to http://server_ip:10000/
login with user root and with your root password
go to webmin configuration->webmin modules
select from local file and paste this into textbox:
Code: (Select All)
finished!, now you have webmin +csf
now go to the configuration and configure your server with it!