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myBB upgrades - theme conflicts - shared experiences
Are there any myBB users here who have struggled through myBB theme conflicts and can share their experiences here?  myBB is known for issues with conflict of theme particularly during upgrades.  Note: Please don't participate in this discussion if you haven't struggled with myBB upgrades before.

I attempted an installation of myBB once, and already during the installation I had a headache to use plugins with the installation as I kept running into conflicts between the theme I was using and myBB settings. I finally aborted my installation attempt but the lesson I learned was to only use up to date themes and plugins that list compatibility with myBB up to date version.   I know from another shared hosting site I'm staff at that the Tech Admin is ALWAYS hesitating before he runs a new update (thereby putting the Forum security at risk), as inevitably and ALWAYS we run into performance issues of the Board where he has to go into the theme templates and change and update settings over a period of time when they appear - as the issues are ALWAYS different from before. And those were really basic issues like members being unable to use the reply function for example. A Tech Admin has always got to budget the time he has available in order to take care of all the head aches that are guaranteed to follow after a myBB update.  That in its own right is a myBB security issue for me.

All Boards, including phpBB have issues with themes and plugins during updates, but it's as though myBB is a trifle more chaotic as there is very little guidance prior to the issue of the upgrade as to what conflicts there could potentially be.  Like mostly it's a hit and miss affair by myBB resulting in conflict comments that get submitted at the myBB Community Forum and then one has to make sense of all of the responses in the discussions that follow.  

My last experience with a myBB upgrade was a change in the security settings resulting in a mismatch with the user's logon settings in ALL of the logon pages of the theme, so much so I was locked out.  So at least lesson number one is that if one is going to update myBB, one should universally change the theme to default first and disable the themes.  Then do some important fixes to the themes first before enabling them.  I guess most important is to plan for a maintenance day, work on all of the changes in the templates, warn members in advance, and afterwards seek their cooperation in providing feedback of conflicts for any further changes that have to be made to the theme templates.

I found this suggestion for how to fix the login authorization mismatch after an upgrade - it has to be applied to all of the templates with logins below:

* error_nopermission
* header_welcomeblock_guest
* member_login
* portal_welcome_guesttext

In addition, the author below has put together useful issues that may arise with a theme during a myBB upgrade to check up on:

Ashley_of_ Wrote:The following are common problems reported on the official MyBB forum. The solutions sometime get lost in the thread listing, so here is a list of some common problems and how to go about resolving them:

1) HTML in posts, SCEditor Issues and Resolutions [1.8.21 upgrade]

2) Authorization Code Mismatch error:

3) Reset Admin (ACP) password:
[link not working]

4) Common SQL queries:

Has any one else got experiences to share or any other issues with latest upgrades of myBB that one should watch out for?
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  

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