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Do you still using facebook?
I see here and there some discussions on news pages from the Netherlands that many people leave Facebook and no longer use. I have been off Facebook for over 2 years now because of the Privacy Scandal, it seems that Facebook is therefore misusing your personal data for Advertisements so think of: Your full name, address, telephone number, email address, and it also seems that Facebook is on a cunning way to follow your internet behavior to see what you do on the internet. That is why I already left Facebook and early, I am turning this into a topic to guarantee your privacy. I will also soon show you a site where you can choose the best VPN that works well with other VPN websites. The internet is becoming more and more dangerous every day, so some people are completely unaware of this. That is why I am now setting up a topic so that you are aware of it. I also researched Instagram and Whatsapp because they also fall under Facebook. Instagram has another Privacy and Security system like Facebook. Whatsapp is also in the hands of Facebook, with whatsapp, instagram and facebook I would use a VPN after my advice purely to guarantee your safety. Whether you are going to do that or not, I will leave it up to you, but I will give you tips and advice that might help you. If you have a handy tip or advice, I'd love to hear from you. The moment that I use whatsapp or instagram I always make sure that my VPN is active.

What do you think about how Facebook handles your privacy data such as your Name, Email, Telephone Number and Address? I find it nothing else as a lax way to misuse someone's data.
of course all those companies are hoarding your data. Some like google may not use it to intelkigently push adverts if you opt out of it. But this huge treasure of real inter-related time ordered data is too tasty to let go if one is hoping to make big advances in AI research. So I can't blame them. If you are not paying for something then you are the product.
Many experts in the field are saying that china is far ahead in ML based AI that uses huge data sets to train intelligent systems. Cause their goverment can track all the data from its huge population with impunity and they are doing just that. That much quality data makes system behaviour analysis and optimization easier.

I am kind of afraid that with such huge data, behaviour predictions might become so good that when used in the field on a new subject, the systems won't need that many new inputs to predict. We are no random living automata. All the bubbling thoughts abd impulses in our mind may be a near chaotic mess. But when we see the output in words and activity, it is much more guess.

So may be just abandoning is not going to be enough.

edit. then there is the push to digitize everything around the world and the rampant data theft. We are probably already more exposed than being nude.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
I am quite sure Facebook would make use of my privacy data for their Facebook ads customers.

But I am still using Facebook, sometimes. Mostly for the messenger app though.

Not that I really enjoy using Facebook. I don't. But I still have quite some friends using Facebook messaging all the time.

It's just like addiction you never stop them at this stage. it is a dreamland cadge you never like to get off from it. but all of users are not put the true info about there identity. but my personal decision that don't allow all permissions to Facebook and messenger while using in smartphone. and keep your mobile always clean specially personal images and videos. because all data will be automatically shared with whatsapp, Facebook server. when you give them complete rights to use your device.
(04-14-2019, 01:04 PM)rudra Wrote: I am kind of afraid that with such huge data, behaviour predictions might become so good that when used in the field on a new subject, the systems won't need that many new inputs to predict. We are no random living automata. All the bubbling thoughts abd impulses in our mind may be a near chaotic mess. But when we see the output in words and activity, it is much more guess.
So am I. It still hurts me that people like to be lazy following the comfortable way of not taking a stand. Just this slavish support of Facebook. On the other hand it does serve a need. I live in a not so well off community, with no spare cash to set up Websites with domains and the development tools that are needed, so they run their businesses on Facebook platform. Facebook also contributes to local security as it gives people a platform to communicate local news and warn people with more facts than what whatsapp allows for.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Everything has a good and bad sides, So does Facebook. It has lots of good uses too. I know all those discussions about privacy but It all depends on what you have on it. I have used it from the beginning and it has nothing which worries me (personal data). Compared to Facebook we should more worry about Google since it basically know our whole internet activity process. It even scan our mails in gmails, coz they say its for advertising propose but who knows ?

Like @deanhills said Facebook is great for small local businesses. You can easily get local traffic about find good clients. Its easier than running and website then go through all SEO Stuff.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

yes. xdude is right too ! Sometimes I think about it. Though I must acknowledge that I have a weakness for google and their products cause in my mind I am more inclined towards meritocracy than democracy. Google is teeming with top minds and I sincerely hope they have not gone the way of the behemoths where managemnt bast**ds run everything and rule over everyone. I even more earnestly dislike those breeds whose only merit is in how to manipulate people.
Still, education and knowledge and working in the forefronts of science does not automatically convert people into saints. Being good to others in action, which we may hold to be the basic requirement of being good, is something you acquire and hone through practice. Qualitatively understanding it is not the same as putting it into practice in your own life. So yes,

Google may eventually turn out to be the biggest threat of them all. sad Sad
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
Yeah, I still use Facesbook and i don't care about data leak because they only have my 1 photo, email address and old phone number of my mom which may lay down somewhere on drawer. But i hate it so much, If i make list where i spend my time the most is YouTube obviously, Since exams also coming so watch some educational videos.

If i'm online (using PC) for 16 hours a day then 14 hours of them spent on YouTube or i say waste on YouTube.
Visit facebook only when boring.

And most of my cousin and all relative have facebook accounts because we living on a 3rd world country so Facebook is still popular there.
I have Opera default Massanger is default extension of Opera so i click and see if anyone else send any message.
Best Regards,
Global Moderator of Post4VPS 

I still use Facebook for the marketplace in my city, or mostly joined a group where I and my friend met.
I still use my old Facebook password even from 2014, so it should be included in the scandal. But, whatever, I don't really care about my facebook account. I didn't post too much about myself.
Thanks to Limitless Hosting and Post4VPS for providing me excellent VPS 13!
Well in past years i was using facebook much more but now i just login there sometimes when i dont have nothing to do or when im waiting something from mobile phone, i think the main reason of this is because i got bored, im using rarely even whatsapp but instead i use much more telegram to partecipate in groups etc...
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