08-18-2020, 06:58 AM
(08-17-2020, 01:09 PM)rudra Wrote: Thanks everyone for your replies.
thanks. Now regrding your responses,
a) why are you using 14.04 ubuntu lts still ? is it really necessary for you ? like a requirement for something you use ?
b) what question 2 want to find out is if you are using your storage near to its capacity ? In other words, how much free space you have ?
c) this is to know more about your response to question 4.
so you dont use ssh to access your system ? Then how do you use it ? I mean you gotta use ssh to login at least once to setup vnc ?
Dear bro. as i already told that i am not a expert of linux or even neither a developer. i am just a learner of very initial stage.
i use vps for some personal works which never conflict to any vps rules.
yes i usr putty ssh to connect to my container also in past i use VNC to see my VPS desktop visuals.
i am using an average disk space. but i do like to create some space for backup my data on weekly basis.
using an old distro is for a program which unable to run on new one. but if you know any idea to upgrade OS without loss of all running and installed repo, will be interesting for me.
i wish VPS-9 add virtualizer CP in there container. as in VPS Plans mentions "Ask Admin" for control panel. so i request from Admins to please provide me a Control panel.